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Presentation by: Ms N. Ngele

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1 Presentation by: Ms N. Ngele
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee: Water and Environmental Affairs ACCOUNTING OFFICER’S OVERVIEW OF ACHIEVEMENTS Challenges and Recommendations Presentation by: Ms N. Ngele Date : 19 October 2010 Venue : Parliament, Cape Town

Integrated water resource planning Water Quality Infrastructure development and maintenance Ensuring universal access Pursuing African Agenda Improving the department’s capability to deliver Poverty alleviation/Transformation 2

Reconciliation strategies Crocodile West Vaal KZN coastal areas Feasibility studies : Lesotho Highlands Phase Phase I of Mokolo augmentation water project 3

Annual operating analysis of large systems Vaal Western cape Umngeni Amatola Algoa 4

5 Water Quality (Water resources and drinking water quality)
900 Monitoring stations maintained to ensure reliable data in terms of resource quality National water resource classification system Green drop assessment : 449 Waste Treatment plants Risk assessment : 852 WTP assessed 787 Water treatment works assessed 5

6 Infrastructure development and maintenance
Vaal river system completed Construction projects: Work in progress De Hoop Nandoni Water Works Inyaka Water treatment works Hluhluwe Regional Water Scheme 6

7 Infrastructure Development And Maintenance
Construction projects: Work in progress Mdloti River Groot Letaba Moooi-Mngeni Komati Mokolo Water Olifants River Water Resource development 7

8 Infrastructure Development And Maintenance
70% infrastructure meets design standards 63% of transferred schemes refurbished 80% compliance to levels of assurance of supply 49 Regional bulk schemes : work in progress 8

9 Ensure Universal Access
168 Water Services Development plans 60% Municipalities supported with capacity 95% Municipalities supported with planning 20% Municipalities supported with water conversation and demand management plans 5 Provincial supported with development of provincial water plans 9

10 Pursuing African Agenda
100% compliance with Shared water courses obligations: Joint Water Commission between RSA and Swaziland Permanent Water Commission between SA and Namibia Limpopo Water Commission between RSA Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe 10

11 Pursuing African Agenda
Joint Permanent Technical Committee between RSA and Botswana Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee between RSA, Swaziland and Mozambique Orange Senqu River Commission 11

12 Pursuing African Agenda
Participation in multilateral platforms Stockholm water week Concluded SADC hydrological Cycle Observing system Hosted 2nd Africa Water Week 12

13 Improving the department’s capability to deliver
Monitoring and evaluation framework in place 90% of staff assessed 95% of asset register reconciled Employee Wellness initiatives implemented 13

14 Poverty Alleviation/Transformation
Jobs created under working for water 9 Women empowerment initiatives 14

15 Challenges Challenges Recommendations
Aging infrastructure and inadequate operations and maintenance Strengthen cooperation with COGTA, Provinces and municipalities There is a need for an accelerated effort to address aging infrastructure and funding for operations and maintenance (waste treatment plants) within the context of the Local government turnaround strategy Intensify our participation in continuous improvement plans, development of IDPs at Local Government level Ring fencing funds for operations and maintenance Improve revenue management and debt management to deal with water resources infrastructure maintenance backlog 15

16 Challenges Challenges Recommendations Water pollution
Increase implementation of compliance , monitoring and enforcement measures Regular on site inspections, follow through and follow up system 16

17 Challenges Challenges Recommendations Water losses/wastage
Build partnership with the agricultural sector to fast track the implementation of robust water efficiency measures. Agricultural sector to invest on on-farm water management Intensify compliance , monitoring and enforcement Validation and verification of users to deal with illegal abstraction Partner with Local Government water conservation and demand management 17

18 Challenges Challenges Recommendations
Inadequate/inappropriate systems and financial controls Lack of expertise to run the trading account Insufficient focus on financial management and contract management Implement a turnaround strategy for the trading accounting using external experts to improve financial management 18

19 Challenges Challenges Recommendations Delays in execution
Improve planning Improve performance management Improve prioritization 19

20 Challenges Challenges Recommendations Insufficient funding
Reprioritization of projects Rescheduling of projects Selection of high impact projects Leverage Overseas Development Assistance 20

21 Challenges Challenges Recommendations
Insufficient capability to deliver Improve recruitment and selection techniques and speeding up filling of vacancies Streamlining reporting lines for the Regulation function Targeted training and development Develop and implement an organizational wide sourcing strategy Partner with SETA to leverage funds for skills development Ensure that water needs are mainstreamed in Sector Skills Plan Apply for exemption on Occupation Specific Dispensation provisions 21

22 Thank You 22 22

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