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Pharmacognosy 2 PHG 203 Week (2) 2018-2019 Dr Heba.

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1 Pharmacognosy 2 PHG 203 Week (2) Dr Heba

2 Fruits 2

3 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
a2- The natural drugs characteristics (belonging to fruits, herbs, barks, woods and subterraneans) as sources for pharmaceutical active ingredients. a3- The different medicinal applications of the selected drugs in the alternative and complementary therapy in relation to their active constituents. c1- Select the most appropriate methods for identification and purification of the selected drugs based on macroscopical, microscopical and/or chemical criteria. c2- Suggest the most suitable natural drugs (from the selected ones) as remedies for treatment of several diseases and disorders. d1- Express well all studied information with their clear special terminological principles. d2- Draw skillfully all scientific drawings related to the studied course.

4 (FENEEL) الشمر Botanical Origin:
It the dried fruits of Foeniculum vulgare family: Umbelliferae Geographical Source: India, China, Egypt .

5 Morphology: Shape: Oval, Oblong Size: 4-12mm Color: Yellowish green
Odor: Agreeable aromatic Taste: Agreeable aromatic Surface: Rough, glabrous

6 T.S. in Fennel V.B: 5 Ridges: five, strongly prominent primary ridges
Vittae: 4(dorsal) + 2(ventral), Endosperm:orthospermous r.p. v.b. V. Endo.

7 T.S. Diagram in Fennel:

8 Constituents & Uses USES:
1-Volatile oil: the main constituents of which is anethole ,has sweet odor and taste(phenolic ether)(60%) and (fenchone) ketone which has pungent odor (30%). 2-Fixed oil 3-Proteins USES: 1-Flavouring agent, carminative 2-Antispasmodic, anti flatulent. 3-Stomachic, digestive 4-Used as medicinal herbal tea in combination with laxative drug to counter-act the spasmodic effect.  5-Special use of fennel: used in cough preparation as mucolytic (dissolve mucous) in respiratory tract.

9 Key elements of powder:
1-Reticulate parenchyma. 2- Fragments of simple vittae (brownish color) containing volatile oil 3- Endocarp : parquetry arrangement. 4-Endosperm containing aleurone grains with micro-rosettes of calcium oxalate.

10 Powder:

11 (Anise fruit)الينسون Botanical origin: dried ripe Fruits of Pimpinella anisum Fam. Umbelliferae Shape: pear shaped Size: 3-6mm Color: greenish gray Odour: agreeable aromatic Taste: agreeable aromatic Surface: rough, hairy

12 T.S. in Anise: V.B: 5 Ridges: Five, slightly prominent primary ridges
Vittae: numerous (branched 20-30) in the dorsal side and 2 large in the ventral side. Hairs: unicellular, non-glandular,Endosperm:orthospermous

13 T.S. in Anise:

14 Powder (key element): 1- Branched vittea
2- anise hair (conical, warty cuticle) 3- Non-parquetry endocarp Hair endosperm

15 Key elements: Anise hair Branched vittae

16 Constituents & Uses USES:
1-Volatile oil: the main constituents of which is anethole. 2-Fixed oil 3-Proteins USES: 1-Flavouring agent 2-Carminative

17 CORIANDER:الكزبره Dried ripe fruits of Coriandrum Sativum, Fam. Umbelliferae Shape: globular The unripe fruits have disagreeable odour, but the ripe has aromatic odour Spicy taste N.B.: 1ry ridge is wavy less prominent than 2ry straight ridge 2ry ridge ry ridge

18 T.S. in corinder: The pericarp shows no vittae in the dorsal side, (almost complete ring of sclerenchyma ,two crossed bands) but only two on the commissural side of each mericarp. Endosperm: Large coelospermous, a small curved apical embryo

19 Key elements: Sclerenchymatous layer of mesocarp (crossed fibers)
Parquetry endocarp

20 Constituents & uses: Volatile oil :
major (Linalol) , minor: (α-pinene, limonene) Uses: 1-Flavouring and carminative. 2- Spice in the Egyptian kitchen. Adulterated by: Bombay coriander

21 Caraway الكراويه Origin: Dried ripe fruits of Carum carvi, Fam. Umbelliferae Active constituents: 1- Volatile oil :the major competent is 50-60% carvone, 40% limonene. 2- Fixed oil & protein Uses: 1-Flavouring and carminative Adulterated by: Indian Dill

22 Capsicum fruit (chillies): ثمار الشطه
Origin : dried ripe fruits of Capsicum annum and Capsicum fruitescence, family Solanaceae. English means of origin: Capsicum :from latin name capsa which means a box (refer to hollow box like fruit). Fruitescens: latin name refers to shrubby character of the plant. Annum: is latin name refers to the annual character of the plant

23 Morphology of the fruit:

24 Capsicum fruit (chillies):
Morphological characters of the fruit: Shape :oblong conical, Outer surface is glabrous, waxy Color: orange red to red (due to prescence of 2 caroten pigments known as capsanthin and capsorubin) Kind: true, simple, succlent, berry Dehiscence: indehiscent Odor: sternutatory causing sneezing Taste: pungent N.B.:1-each fruit contain seeds 2- The pungent components are localized in the septum (dissepiment)

25 Capsicum fruit The epidermal cells of the seed coat are polygonal having strongly wavy anticlinal walls. The walls are strongly thick lignified and having yellow color. Epicarp cells: are polygonal cells having thick, straight anticlinal wall and covered with striated cuticle

26 Powder of capsicum: Color: orange red Taste: pungent
Key element: epidermal cells of seed coat

27 Powder: Rabbit like intestine

28 Capsicum fruit Active constituents:
1-Capsaicin: phenolic constituent , pungent localized in the septum. 2- Caroten pigment. 3- Rich in Vit. C 4- Rich in fixed oil. Chemical tests: 1- Capsicin gives a bluish –green color on addition of FeCl3 2- Capsicin dissolved in H2SO4 and small piece of sucrose sugar is added violet color is developed after few hours

29 Capsicum: N.B. :the pungency of Capsicum destroyed by boiling with potassium permanganate, but not with KOH. Uses Externally: as counter irritant, capasicin reduces pain sensation when applied externally, so it is used to relieve: 1- Rheumatic pains 2- Rheumatoid arthritis 3- Pains of neuralgia Internally: 1- as digestive. 2- Stomachic. 3- Condiment. 4- Dyspepsia 5- Treatment of migraine as capsaicin improves blood circulation.

30 Wheat : Origin: The dried grains (caryopsis) of Triticum vulgare, family Graminae Constituents: Starch (50-60%) proteins (8-20%) Vitamins A, B2 and E Wheat germ oil Uses: 1-starch production 2- wheat germ oil production 3- bran production.

31 Products of wheat: 1-Starch: Obtained from the endosperm 2- Bran:
Obtained from the pericarp Which consists mainly of cellulosic materials and vitamins 3- Wheat germ oil: Rich in vitamin E Polyunsaturated fatty acids

32 1-Uses of wheat bran: To treat obesity
Has the property of absorption of large volume of water to form large mass, so it is used in: To treat obesity Prophylaxis and treatment of constipation Hemorrhoids Rectal fissures Colon disorder

33 2-Wheat germ oil: Role of vitamin E :
Prevent oxidation of the poly unsaturated fatty acids of the cell membrane of red and white blood cells so used to treat anemia and decreased immunity. Prevent precipitation of cholesterol on arterial walls, so used to treat atherosclerosis. Vitamin E is considered as starting material for synthesis of male sex hormone (methyl testosterone), so it is used to treat sexual impotence and infertility

34 Role of polyunsaturated fatty acids:
Increase the production of hepatocytes, so used for treatment of liver diseases. Increase the production of the skin cells (corneocytes), so used to treat skin wrinkles.

35 Vanilla pods : Origin: the dried cured fruits of Vanilla planifolia, F. Orchidaceae Constituents: Vanillin Curing process: The fresh drugs are slowly dried at low temperature (38-45ᴼ C).


37 Drying of vanilla: Fresh vanilla pods contains 2 odorless glycosides known as gluco-vanillin and gluco-vanillic alchol On slow drying (38-45ᴼ C), activation of the enzyme hydrolase and oxidaze occur giving vanillin (A.C. of the fruit ) and glucose. While on rapid drying: inactivation of the enzymes occurs and resulted in dried odorless fruits.

38 Used in preparation of vanillin.
USES: Used in preparation of vanillin.

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