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The Bank of Israel’s New DSGE Model Project
Team: David Elkayam, Eyal Argov, Emanuel Barnea, Alon Binyamini, Eliezer Borenstein, Irit Rozenshtrom Updated: 22 October 2009 Prepared for presentation at the Central Bank Macroeconomic Modeling Workshop, Jerusalem - 28/10/2009
Contents Overview of the project.
Short description of the New Area Wide Model (NAWM). 4 main deviations from NAWM: Imports in exports. UIP condition. Time varying long-run real interest rate. Rest of the world model.
Project Motivation From 2005 until today, the main monetary model operated at the Bank of Israel to support interest rate decisions is: “Open-economy New-Keynesian small DSGE ‘lite’ model”. Four blocks: Inflation Output gap Exchange rate Interest-rate What's missing? The model is too small – real sector not rich enough, does not cover GDP components, no labor market, no investment-capital dynamics. Limited amounts of questions you can ask. Loose ends on theory – ad hoc imported inflation equation, exogenous investment, ad hoc “closing open-economy model”. HP filtered gaps – hard to present growth forecasts. In 2008 the BoI Monetary Models Forum initiated the development of a new DSGE model for use in forecasting and policy analysis.
The Project Starting point – ECB’s “New Area Wide Model”
Similar (RAMSES, NEMO, TOTEM) Stages of the project: Study and replicate the NAWM – done. Derive analytical solution to steady state – done. Calibrate version for Israel – done. Implementing the model for practical use – ongoing Bayesian estimation of the model – ongoing Extensions of the model – future work Financial frictions Search and matching labor market Distinction of business sector vs. government output. בנקודה זו אולי כדאי להרחיב טיפה: יישום KF, תחזיות מותנות, מניפות ופירוק היסטורי.
The New Area Wide Model (Christoffel et al
The New Area Wide Model (Christoffel et al. , 2008) – Main Economic Units Households: Consume. Invest in capital stock. Rent capital services to intermediate goods firms. Save in domestic or foreign bond Monopolistic suppliers of labor – subject to Calvo (1983) rigidity in wage setting. Domestic producers of intermediate goods: Produce with labor and capital (and technology). Sell to local final good produces (C, I, G) and foreign importers (X) In each market: monopolistic competition + Calvo (1983) rigidity in price setting
The New Area Wide Model (Christoffel et al
The New Area Wide Model (Christoffel et al. , 2008) – Main Economic Units Importers of intermediate goods: Buy foreign output. Monopolistic competition + Calvo (1983) rigidity in price setting (LCP). Final good producers (type C, type I): Aggregate domestic and imported intermediate goods. Perfect competition. Central bank: Sets nominal interest rate according to Taylor-type rule in order to meet IT. Fiscal authority: exogenously sets government consumption and tax rates. Foreign economy (y*, r*, π*): determined by VAR.
Extension I: Imports in Exports
In the NAWM exports are domestically produced (Not like C or I). Israel: Export weight in GDP – 36%. Estimates of import intensiveness in exports are around 30%. To model the use of imported intermediate goods in the production of exports: Not enough to model exports like other final goods (C, I) that are produced with domestic and imported intermediate goods. We also want to maintain assumption of Local Currency Pricing. Solution: Two stage production of exports: First stage: CES aggregation of domestic and imported intermediate goods (like C and I). Second stage: Then brand-naming and monopolistic competition with Calvo (1983) price rigidity.
Extension I: Imports in Exports Domestic final goods firms
Final export good (before brand-naming) CES production function: Final export good’s price aggregator (marginal cost of distributors): Final Export good before brand-naming Domestic Intermediate goods Imported Intermediate goods
Extension I: Imports in Exports Exporters
Domestic monopolistic exporting firms buy the homogenous export good ( ) at constant marginal cost – Differentiate it using a simple production function: Sell it abroad at a marked-up price, , to foreign retail firms. They set their price in foreign currency (LCP), and face a Calvo (1983) problem.
Extension I: Imports in Exports Market Clearing Conditions
Two equilibrium conditions defining nominal and real GDP from the supply side: Nominal GDP: NAWM: BoI Model: Real GDP: BoI Model problem – H, X, and QX are not the same good! Solution:
Extension I: Imports in Exports Export demand shock
Exports (x) Output (y) inflation (πc) Imports (im) Nominal interest rate (r) Nominal exchange rate (S) Baseline Model Without IM in X
Extension I: Imports in Exports Export demand shock
Exports (x) Correlation between Δx and Δim: Observed in data: Baseline Model: Model without IM in X: – 0.08 Output (y) inflation (πc) Imports (im) Nominal interest rate (r) Nominal exchange rate (S) Baseline Model Without IM in X
Extension II: UIP Modifications General Overview
Three Modifications to the UIP condition: Incomplete financial markets – external risk premium depends on foreign asset position (Benigno, 2001). “Modified” UIP – external risk premium depends on expected and lagged nominal exchange rate (Adolfson et al., 2007). “Modified” UIP compatible with persistent inflation target differentials.
Extension II: UIP Modifications The explicit modeling
From the households budget constraint: Local nominal rate Local bonds Foreign bonds External risk premium Foreign nominal rate I. Foreign asset position “Modified” UIP External risk premium II. Expected depreciation III. Adjusted of inflation target differentials
Extension II: UIP Modifications External Risk Premium Shock
Real exchange rate (s) Output (y) inflation (πc) External Risk Premium (ΓB*) Nominal interest rate (r) Nominal exchange rate (S) Baseline Model Non - “Modified” UIP
Extension II: UIP Modifications Permanent 1% increase in foreign price level
Real exchange rate (s) Output (y) inflation (πc) External Risk Premium (ΓB*) Nominal interest rate (r) Nominal exchange rate (S) Baseline Model Non - “Modified” UIP
Year-on-year Inflation and the Inflation Target – Israel and G4, 1992-2009
Extension II: UIP Modifications Inflation Target Shock
Annualized Inflation target (4*πTAR) Output (y) Inflation – deviation from Tar. (πc-πTAR) External Risk Premium (ΓB*) Nominal interest rate (r) Nominal exchange rate (S) Baseline Model “Modified” UIP – not adjusted to IT
Extension II: UIP Modifications Inflation Target Shock
Annualized Inflation target (4*πTAR) Output (y) Inflation – deviation from Tar. (πc-πTAR) External Risk Premium (ΓB*) Nominal interest rate (r) Nominal exchange rate (S) Baseline Model “Modified” UIP – not adjusted to IT
Extension III: Time Varying LR Real Rate Motivation
5-10 Years Ahead Forward Real Interest Rates (Derived from Government Indexed Bonds) US (Nominal) Israel US
Extension III: Time Varying LR Real Rate
We add to the model: Financial shock and structure that allow expected long-run (5 to 10 years) interest rates to change over time. Monetary policy uses long-run interest rates (forward 5 to 10 years ahead) as benchmark rates. Use data on long-run interest rates in estimation.
Extension III: Time Varying LR Real Rate The explicit modeling
From the households budget constraint: Domestic financial premium: Local nominal rate Local bonds Foreign bonds External risk premium Foreign nominal rate III. Domestic financial risk premium shock II. Symmetric financial risk-premium shock I. External financial risk-premium shock
Extension III: Time Varying LR Real Rate The explicit modeling
Interest rate rule: Long-run fwd real-rate: Short-run real rate: Smoothing Long-run Inflation Output Long-run fwd real rate Inflation target
Extension III: Time Varying LR Real Rate The explicit modeling
The observable 5-10 year forward real rate derived from indexed government bonds: Observed fwd rate Model predicted fwd rate Constant Measurement error Time varying term premium
Extension III: Time Varying LR Real Rate Motivation
5-10 Years Ahead Forward Real Interest Rates (Derived from Government Indexed Bonds) Israel Model derived “pure” fwd real-rate US
Extension IV: The Rest of the World Options at Hand
How to model the rest of the world (i*, π*, y*)? Single-equation AR. Problem: can’t apply structural foreign shocks. VAR (example - NAWM). Problem: “Well” looking structural shocks depend on identification assumption. Closed economy NK small model. Compared to AR: better fit, structural shocks. Compared to VAR: worse fit, better interpretation of shocks. Problem: variables relevant to world model may be less relevant to Israeli economy. Solution: bridge equations.
Extension IV: The Rest of the World The world Model
IS curve (world output): Phillips Curve (CPI inflation) : Taylor rule (CB key rates) :
Extension IV: The Rest of the World Observable Variables
i* – G4 effective CB key rates π* – G4 effective CPI inflation Δy* - Dilemma: G4 effective output growth is more adequate for world model. G4 effective import growth (Δim* ) is more adequate to explain Israeli exports: Solution: use Δy* and Δim* in observable set. Define bridge equation:
Extension IV: The Rest of the World Recap on Foreign Output Transmission Mechanism
IS curve for G4 effective output (Δy* ): Bridge equation for G4 imports: Export demand equation
Extension IV: The Rest of the World World Import Shock (blue) vs
Extension IV: The Rest of the World World Import Shock (blue) vs. World Demand shock (red) World: imports (im*), output (y*) Output (y) inflation (πc) World: key-rate (r*), inflation (π*) Nominal interest rate (r) Nominal exchange rate (S) World import shock (Non structural) World demand shock (structural)
Extension IV: The Rest of the World World Import Shock (blue) vs
Extension IV: The Rest of the World World Import Shock (blue) vs. World Demand shock (red) World: imports (im*), output (y*) Output (y) inflation (πc) World: key-rate (r*), inflation (π*) Nominal interest rate (r) Nominal exchange rate (S) World import shock (Non structural) World demand shock (structural)
The End Thank You
Schematic Diagram: Resources and Uses
Private Consumption G Public consumption I Investment IM Imports K Capital H Intermediate goods (Y – Gross Domestic Product) X Exports L Labor
Schematic Diagram: Prices
PC Private Consumption PI Investment PG Public consumption PIM Imports RK Rent PH Intermediate goods (Y – Gross Domestic Product) PX Exports W Wage
Schematic Diagram: Production and Inputs
Households Hf Investment I Hf Intermediate good Hf Production Function Technology Z, ε Capital services Ksf Adjustment costs Investment productivity Labor aggregate Nf Utilization rate u Monopolistic Competition Wage Rigidity (Calvo,1983) Capital stock Kh Nh Nh Nh Nh Nh
Schematic Diagram: From Intermediate Goods to Final Goods
Foreign Demand Y* Xf Homogenous Export good X Foreign products X* Final Local Uses C, I, G Export (stage I) QX MC Calvo Xf Xf Perfect Competition Homogenous local intermediate good H (Y) Homogenous imported intermediate good IM Monopolistic Competition Price Rigidity (Calvo,1983) Monopolistic Competition Price Rigidity (Calvo,1983) Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf IMf IMf IMf IMf IMf
Schematic Diagram: Monetary Transmission Process (signs relate to interest rate hike)
Demands Factors of production Y Output Production costs I Demand (-) (-) (-) (-) KD RK Rent C (+) (-) (-) LD RM-π Expected real interest Rate (Market) NX W Wage (-) Supply (-) (-) (+) (-) Ks (+) (+) PH Price of domestic intermediate goods s Real Exchange Rate Ls (-) (-) Pc Consumer Price Index R BoI interest rate (+) S Nominal Exchange Rate (-) (-) PIM Imports prices (-)
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