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Off-Campus Student Services, Parking Services, & Transit

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Presentation on theme: "Off-Campus Student Services, Parking Services, & Transit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Off-Campus Student Services, Parking Services, & Transit
Commuter Services Off-Campus Student Services, Parking Services, & Transit

2 Life as a Commuter Where are you commuting from and how?
How do you feel about commuting to campus? What does being a commuter mean to you? How do you plan to stay engaged on campus as a commuter?

3 Off-Campus Student Services (OCSS)
Commuter Adult Learner Transfer Veteran

4 Freshmen Commuter Retreat
August 24th, 2019 9:00AM-5:00PM This FREE retreat is designed to help incoming first-year UMBC commuter students learn about campus while making new friends. We will be traveling to D.C. to visit the Smithsonian National Zoo. All participants will receive free lunch and a T-shirt. Transportation is provided. *To sign-up fill out handouts or visit **Last day to sign-up is August 19th**

5 Commuter Gold Card Commuters only $5 for entire year!
Included with the gold card: Entry into Good Morning Commuter Breakfast (Tuesdays 8:30-10 AM) 20% off of order from select dining restaurants (one time use) Discounts on orders from various dining areas in Arbutus *Wear your shirt from FCR at one of the first 2 breakfasts and get the Gold Card for free!*

6 OCSS Programs and Services
Commuter Assistants Commuter Lounge Monthly Newsletter Commuter Connections Commuter Week (spring) Game-A-holics Commuting 101 SUCCESS Appointments Discounted monthly MTA bus passes Off-Campus housing and Roommate Finder ( Parking resources Navigating UMBC and Baltimore area. Retriever Essentials distribution center

Parking Services

8 Transit

9 UMBC Off-Campus Student Services
Follow Us! Search OCSS on myUMBC! We are located in the Commons next to the Bookstore and are open from 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday. UMBC Off-Campus Student Services OCSS_UMBC OCSS_UMBC ocss_umbc

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