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My school Describing my school.

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Presentation on theme: "My school Describing my school."— Presentation transcript:

1 My school Describing my school

2 Ready…Steady…Go!!!! Who? What? Where? When? How? Describe this picture
I can see… I think….because Describe this picture

3 In my school, there are…. 600 ….. students ……teacher(s) 50

4 It is a school… A school for girls A school for boys A mixed school
Single sex school A private school A public school

5 Inside, there are…. classrooms labs A staffroom toilets The canteen
The library The office The headmaster’s office

6 How do you say? Ecole publique CDI Le bureau du proviseur
Salles des professeurs Cantine Ecole pour filles toilettes Salles de classes Le secrétariat/la vie scolaire Ecole privée Les laboratoires professeurs élèves

7 My school. It is a school for girls/boys a mixed/private/public school
In my school, there are 50 teachers and 600 students/pupils Inside there are a staffroom, classrooms, labs, a library, toilets, a canteen, the office and the headmaster’s office.

8 Let’s play

9 Extra-curricular activities
What do you do in your spare time?

10 Ready…Steady…Go!!!! What can you see? What do you think it is for?

11 Let’s see. At breaktime….
I listen to music I chat with my friends I play football I meet up with my friends I read I go to the library I have a snack I do my homework I attend a club 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. 9. 8. 7.

12 Ready…Steady…Go!!!! Who? What? Where? When? How? Describe this picture
I can see… I think….because Describe this picture


14 The chess club The choir The photography club The computer club The orchestra The gymnastics team The dance club The volley-ball team The hockey team The football team The drama club

15 Ready…Steady…Go!!!! What can you see? What is it?
What is special about it? Do you like it? Why?

16 Are you part of a club? Yes…
I go to/ I attend club I play for the….school football team No, I don’t belong to any club.

17 Survey! Ask about their afterschool activities to 6 of your friends and then report. Name Are you part of a club? Ex: Miss I. Yes. I am a member of my town’s karate club Ex: Miss I. is a member of a karate club. Anna and Sally attend the dance club, etc…

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