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Joseph Smith—Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21

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Presentation on theme: "Joseph Smith—Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joseph Smith—Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21
May 27–June 2

2 Ask the children to share what they know about the story.
Invite Sharing Show a picture related to one of the stories in this week’s reading (such as the picture of the ten virgins from this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Ask the children to share what they know about the story.

3 Teach the Doctrine Click here for the “Younger Children’s” Program
Click here for the “Older Children’s” Program

4 Encourage learning at Home
Ask the children to share with their families ways they can be better missionaries and talk with their families about people they can share the gospel with.

5 Our Closing Prayer will be given by (Enter name here)


7 Images and clipart are from lds
Images and clipart are from, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. The lesson and scripture story are from Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.

8 Younger program

9 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world.
Jesus said that before He comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. You can help fulfill this prophecy by sharing the gospel.

10 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world.
Click on the Activity below that you want to go to: Possible Activity ‘A’ Possible Activity ‘B’

11 I can use the gifts God has given me.
You are discovering your gifts and abilities. Understand that these gifts and abilities come from Heavenly Father.

12 I can use the gifts God has given me.
Click on the Activity below that you want to go to: Possible Activity ‘A’ Possible Activity ‘B’ Possible Activity ‘C’

13 Jesus wants me to serve others.
We serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ by serving people around us. Even young children can serve others.

14 Jesus wants me to serve others.
Click on the Activity below that you want to go to: Possible Activity ‘A’ Possible Activity ‘B’ Possible Activity ‘C’ Possible Activity ‘D’

15 Older program

16 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world.
You can help preach the gospel in all the world before the Savior’s Second Coming.

17 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world.
Click on the Activity below that you want to go to: Possible Activity ‘A’ Possible Activity ‘B’ Possible Activity ‘C’ Possible Activity ‘D’

18 I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel.
The parable of the ten virgins teaches that we cannot borrow our conversion to the gospel from others. How can you help take responsibility for your own conversion?

19 I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel.
Click on the Activity below that you want to go to: Possible Activity ‘A’ Possible Activity ‘B’ Possible Activity ‘C’ Possible Activity ‘D’

20 At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives.
After the Resurrection, God will judge us based on our obedience to His commandments and acceptance of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice. The parable of the talents and the parable of the sheep and goats teach us about this Final Judgment.

21 At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives.
Click on the Activity below that you want to go to: Possible Activity ‘A’ Possible Activity ‘B’

22 Younger Possible 1

23 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world
Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. Possible Activity ‘A’ Show a map, globe, or picture of the earth (see Gospel Art Book, no. 3) and help the children say, “This Gospel … shall be preached in all the world” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:31). Why does God want all of His children to hear His gospel?

24 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world
Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. Possible Activity ‘B’ Invite the children to march in place as you sing together “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” and “Called to Serve,”Children’s Songbook, 168, 174. Invite full-time or recently returned missionaries to share their experiences with sharing the gospel and help the children think of ways they can share the gospel.

25 Younger Possible 2

26 I can use the gifts God has given me. Possible Activity ‘A’
Bring several coins to use as you tell the parable of the talents, found in Matthew 25:14–30. You could ask three children to represent the three servants. Explain that in Jesus’s day, talents referred to money, but today talents can mean our gifts and abilities.

27 I can use the gifts God has given me. Possible Activity ‘B’
Ask the children to name ways their parents, siblings, teachers, or friends have helped them. What abilities do these people have that help them serve others?

28 I can use the gifts God has given me. Possible Activity ‘C’
Write a small note to the children telling each of them about the gifts or abilities you notice in them. Wrap each note like a gift and invite the children to open their “gifts.” Encourage them to improve their gifts and use them to serve others.

29 Younger Possible 3

30 Jesus wants me to serve others. Possible Activity ‘A’
Summarize the parable in Matthew 25:34–46. Help the children understand that when we are serving others, we are serving Jesus.

31 Jesus wants me to serve others. Possible Activity ‘B’
Hold up a picture of a child in your class with a picture of Jesus hidden behind it. What can we do to serve this child? Remove the child’s picture and explain that when we serve each other, we are serving Jesus.

32 Jesus wants me to serve others. Possible Activity ‘C’
Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves serving others in the ways the Savior describes in Matthew 25:35–36. Ask the other children to guess what they are drawing.

33 Jesus wants me to serve others. Possible Activity ‘D’
Invite the children to share experiences when someone has shown Christlike service to them or their families.

34 Older Possible 1

35 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world
Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. Possible Activity ‘A’ Invite the children to share blessings they have received or will receive because they are members of Christ’s Church. Read together Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:31, and ask the children how the gospel will bless God’s children throughout the world.

36 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world
Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. Possible Activity ‘B’ Show the children a map of the world or of your country, and help them identify some places where a family member or friend has preached the gospel on a mission.

37 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world
Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. Possible Activity ‘C’ Invite a few children to come prepared to share how their family members or their ancestors were introduced to the gospel. If possible, ask someone in the ward who served a full-time mission to share an experience with sharing the gospel.

38 Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world
Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. Possible Activity ‘D’ Ask each child to write the name of someone he or she can talk to about the gospel or invite to church. Also ask the children to list things they can do to be missionaries now.

39 Older Possible 2

40 I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel
I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel. Possible Activity ‘A’ Ask a child and one of his or her parents to come prepared to share how they learned about the parable of the ten virgins at home this week.

41 I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel
I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel. Possible Activity ‘B’ Draw an oil lamp on the board, and label it testimony.  Give each child a piece of paper shaped like a drop of oil, and ask each child to write on it something he or she will do to become more converted to the gospel. Attach their drops to the board around the lamp.

42 I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel
I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel. Possible Activity ‘C’ Invite the children to help you make a list of things to do to prepare for a special visitor. How are these things similar to or different from ways we can spiritually prepare for the Savior’s Second Coming?

43 I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel
I am responsible for my own conversion to the gospel. Possible Activity ‘D’ On five strips of paper, write things that cannot be borrowed. On five other strips, write things that can be borrowed. Shuffle the strips, and ask the children to sort them into these two groups. Read together Matthew 25:1–13. Why is it important not to rely on others for our conversion to the gospel?

44 Older Possible 3

45 At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives
At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives. Possible Activity ‘A’ Invite half of the class to read Matthew 25:14–30 and the other half to read Matthew 25:31–46. Ask the groups to act out the parables for the class.

46 At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives
At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives. Possible Activity ‘B’ Invite the children to read Matthew 25:35–36 in pairs and make a list of things they can do to show their love for Jesus Christ.

47 Resources


49 Referenced Scriptures

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