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2 Objectives By the end of this section, students should be able to:
Calculate perimeter of regular shapes (triangle, square, rectangle, kite) Solve simple word problems involving perimeter in real life situation Calculate area of regular shapes (triangles, square, rectangle and kite) Solve simple word problems on real life contexts

3 Relating Recap to today’s lesson
Last time, we learnt about length measurement, measuring tools and the units used Today we will learn about application of length in  Perimeter & Area

4 Starter Activity: Video viewing
Click here to view video

5 Discussion This was a quick recap video on Perimeter and Area
Now, group yourselves in group of 5 & discuss on how you can briefly define  Perimeter & Area Before that, attempt Questions in next slide

6 Testing prior knowledge (Perimeter)
Shapes Formulae x cm ____ + _____+_____+_____ x cm ____ + _____+_____ ____ + _____+_____+_____

7 Testing prior knowledge (Area)
Shapes Formulae Length × __________ ½ × ______× height _________× width

8 Definitions Perimeter is the total distance around a shape
Area is the space occupied by a shape For example, the area of our school playground is 3000 square metres For example, perimeter of our classroom is 100 m 35m 15m 300m 100m

9 Video viewing on Perimeter
Click here to view videoVideos\Math Antics - Perimeter.mp4

10 Class discussion on Video
The distance Total distance around shape Perimeter is.. Add all sides.. Hmm.. Yeah.. Note: Teachers must point out that only polygons will be considered.

11 Activity Matching Regular Shapes Irregular Shapes

12 Real life examples of regular shapes

13 Activity 1

14 Activity 2 Complete the table

15 Activity 3 Note: Teacher can bring students in the garden and choose one student to walk around it twice

16 Click here to view video
Video viewing on Area Click here to view video

17 Units for Area

18 Activity 4 Complete the table

19 Activity 5: MCQ (a) (b)

20 Activity 5 Calculate the area of the triangles below. (a) (b)

21 End of lesson So, what have you learnt on Perimeter & Area in this chapter?

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