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Left Brain / Right Brain

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1 Left Brain / Right Brain
A student plans to recycle a stack of notebook paper. The paper is 21.6 cm wide and 27.9 cm long. The stack is 33.0 cm high. What is the volume of the stack? A. 82.5cm C x 10 cm B. 713 cm D x 10 cm 3 3 2 4 3 Right Brain The word metallaborer is made up. It's not in any dictionary. But a real compound word means the same thing: ironworker. What is a real compound word that means the same as the following made-up compound words? villagefolk oceanplant bovinefellow nogginpain volumeshop

2 Daily Objectives Current - Manual Drafting Skills Future - AutoCAD
- Using a Ruler 101 - Hand Lettering - Hand Drawn Engineers’ Sheets - Drawing to a Scale of 1:1 - Drawing to a Scale of 1:5 Future - AutoCAD - We will begin our AutoCAD tutorials after manual drafting Past – Career Research Presentation

3 Engineering Drawings Defined as – technical drawings used to fully and clearly define requirements for engineered items. - Not just a drawing, but also a language - Drawings communicate all needed information from the designer to the worker who will make it

4 Engineering Drawings Items often included:
- Geometry - the shape of the object to be manufactured represented in different views - Dimensions – the size of the object - Tolerances – the allowable variations for each dimension - Material – represents what the item is made of - Finish – specifies the surface quality, functional or cosmetic

5 Engineering Drawings Title Block
The title block is an area of the drawing that conveys information about the drawing. Items often included in a title block: - Drawing Title - Drawing Number - Part numbers - Name of Company - Project Code - Location - Scale - Units (inches, cm) - Name of designer - Name of Drafter - DATE - Signatures

6 Engineering Drawings Line styles and types
- visible lines – continuous lines used to depict visible edges. -Heavy line for the outline -Light line used for visible sections from the current view Example Drawing Example

7 Engineering Drawings Line styles and types
- hidden lines– short dashed lines that used to represent edges not visible from the current view Example Drawing Example

8 Engineering Drawings Line styles and types
- Center lines – alternating long and short dashed lines representing the axes of circular features Example Drawing Example

9 Engineering Drawings Line styles and types
- Cutting plane – medium to thick alternating long and short lines used to define sections Example Drawing Example

10 Engineering Drawings Line styles and types
- break lines – represent continuous sections of a design broken up to save room on the drawing long break lines indicate a long break short break lines indicate a short break Example Drawing Example

11 Engineering Drawings Line styles and types
- dimension lines- accompanied with measurements to define dimensions of the object Example

12 Engineering Drawings Line styles and types
- Section lines – lines drawn to form a pattern to represent the interior section of a cutaway or the sliced section Drawing Example

13 Engineering Drawings Line styles and types

14 Engineering Drawings Multiple views and projections - Front - Left
- Bottom - Isometric

15 Engineering Drawings Multiple views and projections - Front - Left
- Bottom - Isometric

16 Engineering Drawings Multiple views and projections Instructions
- Redraw this object in Isometric, Front, Right and Top views on your hand drawn engineer’s sheets and fill in the title block zones.

17 Concepts of Engineering and Architecture
Mr. McKinney

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