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Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard for ELC Providers

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1 Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard for ELC Providers
6 March 2019

2 Session Overview City Overview – Lynn Paterson, Senior Education Manager – Early Years Edinburgh’s Progress towards August 2020 – Donna Murray, Senior Education Officer Scottish Government update – Laura Hill, Funding Follows the Child Policy Manager The National Standard Criteria, What this means for us – Donna Murray, Senior Education Officer

3 Edinburgh and the National Standard
Vision: to provide the highest quality of EL and childcare experience for all children Principles of Quality, Affordability, Accessibility and Flexibility Model of Delivery Provider Neutral Guarantor of Quality Engagement and partnership What we won`t your nursery

4 Progress towards August 2020 Donna Murray Senior Education Officer

5 Progress towards August 2020
60/40% August 2017 98 Local authority. 114 Partner settings

6 The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Edinburgh - Progress
Delivery Progress and Target Apr 2018 Aug 2018 Jan 2019 Apr Target LA Settings 21 40 44  44 96 Partner Providers 11 22  114 114 Childminders 7 4  20 50 Forest Kindergartens 2 3  5 9 LA 3-4 yr olds places (approx) 1,000 1485 1500  1500 6,000 PP 3-4 yr olds places (approx) 220 1140 4,000 2 yr olds places (approx) 300 245 260  300 Recruited staff 53 240 242  360 650 LA settings open 8am – 6pm  11 47 Capital Refurbishments/new builds  10 19

7 Progress towards August 2020

8 Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard for ELC Providers
Laura Hill Funding Follows the Child Policy Manager Early Learning and Childcare Directorate

9 The Aspiration “We have ambitious aspirations to help ensure that our children can realise their full potential and we hope that, by prioritising high quality ELC and unlocking choice, we will ensure that all our children have opportunities to learn, play and flourish. In our children, we see the measure of our worth as a nation. We are dedicated to providing the essential conditions of love, respect and understanding through which our children can become the happy, fulfilled and successful adults they all have a right to be.” Maree Todd, Minister for Children and Young People and Cllr Stephen McCabe, COSLA Children and Young People Spokesperson

10 The Approach Getting It Right for Every Child is at the centre of our approach Increase from 600 to 1140 hours of ELC for eligible children ‘Funding Follows the Child’ to be introduced in August 2020 ‘Provider neutral’ Introduction of the National Standard for all ELC settings Created following a national consultation and through the work of the Service Models Working Group

11 The Key Aspects Places choice in parents’ and carers’ hands
Can access ELC in any setting who meets the National Standard, has a space available and is willing to enter into a contract with the local authority Not restricted by local authority boundaries Clear and accessible information for parents and carers ELC is free at the point of access with no top-up fees to apply

12 The Key Aspects Local authorities as guarantors of quality and key enablers of flexibility and choice Meaningful and genuine partnership working Local setting of a sustainable rate, including payment of the real Living Wage and Fair Work Practices Free meal commitment for every child in a funded ELC session Commitment to simplifying the process and reducing the burden on providers to deliver the commitment

13 The Story So Far… Phasing already started in a number of local authorities to implement hours before August 2020 Different approaches have been taken helping to broaden our understanding of local models and local barriers Recognise this is a transition phase which is allowing us to share ideas and learn about some of the ways forward that can be taken Supported by the ELC Trials work, including the Evaluation

14 The Criteria 10 National Standard criteria for all ELC settings to meet in order to be a funded provider, based on research and evidence of effective ELC. These are: Staffing, leadership and management Development of children’s cognitive skills, health and wellbeing Physical Environment Self-Evaluation and Improvement Parent and carer engagement and involvement in the life of the setting Inclusion Business Sustainability Fair Work Practices, including Payment of the Living Wage Payment Processes Food Most criteria are supported by a number of sub-criteria and are also linked to Care Inspectorate quality evaluations.

15 The Guidance 3 main documents to support implementation of the approach: 1. Principles and Practice 2. Operating Guidance 3. Frequently Asked Questions for Local Authorities and Providers

16 The Further Guidance coming soon…
In collaboration with Scotland Excel, we will produce guidance on: Transition Options Sustainable Rates Business Sustainability We are working with colleagues in business, legal, procurement, Fair Work and COSLA to support the transition to 2020.

17 The Additional Support available
Delivery Support Plan for Providers National Induction Resource Online CPL Directory with Care Inspectorate National information for parents and carers Workforce Development campaigns National Quality Summit based on learning from Settings of Innovation Childminding Summit Partnership Summit

18 The Next Steps Continued engagement and consultation with the sector
Develop support materials to accompany the National Standard Focus on quality and consistency of approach Join the ELC Partnership Forum by ing Establish a Delivery Assurance Team in Scottish Government Refresh of Statutory Guidance from planned in the next few months Out to Play outdoor learning resource

19 The Conclusion 18 months to full roll-out of hours of ELC in August 2020 Further engagement and consultation planned from March 2019 based on feedback from the events held in February

20 Associated links and documents
Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard: Principles and Practice Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard: Operating Guidance Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard: Frequently Asked Questions for Local Authorities and Providers Delivery Support Plan for ELC Providers Scotland Excel Analysis of Survey Findings – December 2018

21 The National Standard Criteria What this means for us Donna Murray Senior Education Officer

22 The National Standard Criteria What this means for us
Staffing, Leadership and Management. Development of children’s cognitive skills. Physical environment. Self evaluation and improvement. Parent, carer engagement in the life of the setting. Inclusion. Business sustainability. Fair work practices. Payment processes. Food Data/How do we know? Actions

23 The National Standard Criteria What this means for us Staffing, leadership and management
Sub Criteria Data/How do we know? Actions Sub-criteria 1.1 Care Inspectorate quality evaluations are good or better on themes that relate to quality of staffing, management and leadership. Sub-criteria 1.2 All support workers, practitioners and lead practitioners/managers working in the setting and included in the adult: child ratios must have either obtained the benchmark qualification for their role or, if they are still within their first 5 years of registering with the SSSC, have started to work towards this. Sub-criteria 1.3 Sustainable staffing structures are in place which meet the recommended adult: child ratios. Sub-criteria 1.4 All SSSC registered staff in the setting are achieving a minimum of 12 hours per year of Continuous Professional Learning Sub-criteria 1.5 Staff new to delivering the funded entitlement within the last year are familiar with the content of the most up-to-date version of the national induction resource.

24 The National Standard Criteria What this means for us
Data/How do we know? CI Data SQIPs LA officer support Actions Annual samples

25 Local Authority Support
Current CPD Directory Officer support Locality Events Quality Matters Resources Qualification funding Actions Targeted Support Engagement & Responsibility

26 CEC Officer Support North Tracey Shaw Isla Finlayson-Crawshaw Isla.finalyson- Bex Carter South Paula Greenhill Gillian O’Rourke Paula Dennis

27 Support Proportionate Action plan *CI report *QIO visit
*Needs of your setting Tailored to your setting’s requirements Training Purpose Relationships Awareness Information gathering Sharing information Enabling Purpose – being clear about the overall purpose of the inspection and retaining this throughout. Creating a shared agenda with staff in the organisation and amongst members of the review team. Relationships – building and maintaining constructive relationships throughout the process Awareness – maintaining a high level of awareness of the context in which staff are operating, of their feelings and reactions to the process. Information gathering – careful inquiry to gather and analyse evidence. Sharing information – communicating thoroughly throughout the process to prepare and inform staff. Encouraging staff to be open in providing their perspective and providing appropriate feedback. Enabling – treating people with respect, engaging them in professional dialogue, recognising their efforts and providing feedback in a constructive way to encourage ownership and learning to take place.

28 The National Standard Criteria What this means for us
Staffing, Leadership and Management. Development of children’s cognitive skills. Physical environment. Self evaluation and improvement. Parent, carer engagement in the life of the setting. Inclusion. Business sustainability. Fair work practices. Payment processes. Food Data/How do we know? Actions

29 Criteria Data/How do we know? Actions 7. Business Sustainability Existing settings into partnership paperwork. New settings submit paperwork to CI before being registered. Guidance states ‘As and when required’ Propose introducing an annual sample of partner providers to provide information. Include request for Business continuity plan. 8. Fair Work Practices including payment of the living wage Hourly rate Type of contract/hours Equality information Staff development Evidence of staff consultation. Annual staff information. 9. Payment Processes Websites etc. Include payment processes as part of annual contract. Annual survey to parents to include consultation on payment processes 10. Food Evidence within SQIP, CI inspections and QIEO visits Include requirement as part of contract agreement. Annual survey of parents to consult on food.

30 The Q&A Session Are there any areas of the National Standard and Funding Follows the Child that need to be clarified? What is still unclear within the papers and needs more information or support?

31 Invite to deliver 1140 from August 2019 22 March 2019 9. 00am – 11
Invite to deliver 1140 from August March am – 11.30am Faith Mission Donna Murray, Senior Education Officer

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