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Elements of Chance Exemplar – Card Game.

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1 Elements of Chance Exemplar – Card Game

2 Problem When drawing 3 cards from a hand of 4 red cards and 4 black cards, what is the chances of drawing more red than black cards?

3 Prediction I predict that the most likely outcomes will either be 2 Red or 1 Red.

4 Plan To complete a single trial:
Start off with 8 cards. 4 black cards and 4 red cards. Shuffle these 8 cards either on the desk or in your hand. Select without looking 3 cards from the pack. Record how many red cards in a table similar to this one: Carry out steps 1 to 4, at least 40 times. 0 Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Red Tally Total Relative Frequency

5 Data 0 Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Red Tally IIIII IIIII IIIII III
Total 5 13 16 6 Relative Frequency 5/40 = 0.125 13 / 40 = 0.325 16 / 40 = 0.4 6 / 40 = 0.15

6 Analysis I notice that the most common outcome was 2 Reds. According to my simulation the probability of 2 Reds was 0.4 I notice that the least likely outcome was no reds. Also all 3 Red had a similar chance of occuring. The shape of the results looks bell shaped with the two middle outcomes (1 Red and 2 Reds) occurring the most often.

7 Theoretical Probability

8 Conclusion In conclusion my prediction my simulation and my theoretical calculations were all quite similar. When playing this game it is equally likely that you will get 2 Reds or 1 Red. It is also equally likely that you will get 0 Reds or all 3 Reds. 0 Reds and 3 Reds are less likely than the 2 or 1 Red.

9 Evaluation

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