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Attitude Angle vs S. Note C is half of diamtetrical clearance

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1 Attitude Angle vs S. Note C is half of diamtetrical clearance

2 h_min/C vs S. Trajectory (based on hmin and angle) shown in lower left hand corner

3 Variables h_min = dimension of smallest film thickness
Phi = angle where h_min occurs – see figure S = (R/C)^2 * mu*n/P R = shaft radius C = radial clearance (half of diametral clearance) mu = kinematic viscosity n = shaft rotation rate in revolutions per time P = force / projected area = F / (2*R*L) Beta = arc of bearing. Suggest to use 180 for plain journal bearing with distribution grooves near splitline Excerpts are from Bearing Design in Machinery by Harnoy

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