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New Urbanism Concepts for Community Redevelopment Nicholas Zaferatos

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Presentation on theme: "New Urbanism Concepts for Community Redevelopment Nicholas Zaferatos"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Urbanism Concepts for Community Redevelopment Nicholas Zaferatos

2 Who is served by this development?
Can it be improved through better planning?

3 “Infill development”, a major strategy in community redevelopment.

4 The streetscape is landscaped and transformed to serve people, and transportation is expanded to serve not just vehicles, rather, public transit, walking, biking -- “multi-modes” of movement.

5 The “arterial intersection” - “Anytown,” USA

6 Prime corner lot redevelopment for mixed uses, residential above, retail below replaced parking lot

7 Pedestrian spaces receive priority treatment, landscaping.

8 Further infill. Notice transition of business uses: from check cashing to neighborhood gathering places which spill out into the public realm.

9 American’s car-dependent, arterial retail and segregated office “planned” developments (vintage 1960)

10 Reduced travel lanes, light rail, on-street parking

11 Landscape. What else is needed?

12 Bringing town services to the street humanizes space and creates more valuable real estate.

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