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“The Exodus tells our story. Each of us has a personal journey

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2 “The Exodus tells our story. Each of us has a personal journey
to make from our own Egypt to our promised land. We have left something behind in order to make this journey. We have had to break free from our former lives in order to begin afresh. The story of the Exodus involves us… because it is about us.” - Alister McGrath in “The Journey”

3 a time of famine. Pharaoh responded by giving land to
Joseph, great-grandson of Abraham, had been positioned by God to be 2nd in Command over all of Egypt to help that nation and Canaan to survive a time of famine. Pharaoh responded by giving land to the Israelites in Egypt.

4 Exodus 1: 1-14

5 Egyptian Stats: 1.) The Israelites lived in Egypt for a time of years. (Ex. 12:40) 2.) During that whole timeframe, their total population exploded from 70 people to approximately 3 million.

6 “Leaving Egypt” by: Chuck DeGroat

7 “We are all slaves. We’re slaves to image and appearance,
to substances and relationships, to compulsive behaviors and abusive systems.” - Chuck DeGroat

8 “Egypt was not always a place
of slavery. Originally it was the place the Israelites were protected from famine and where they flourished. Our own Egypt experiences are the same. Good desires and longings somehow turn into enslavements.” - Chuck DeGroat

9 The Womb that Became a Tomb
Egypt: The Womb that Became a Tomb

10 on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
Genesis 50:24 [Joseph said] “I am about to die. But God will surely come to your aid and take you up out of this land to the land He promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”

11 Genesis 15: 13-14 13 Then the Lord said to [Abraham],
“Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. 14 But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.”

12 (referencing specifically Hosea 11:1);
In Matthew 2: 13-15 (referencing specifically Hosea 11:1); another Joseph provides rescue for his family for a time in Egypt, fulfilling the Scripture: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” Thus began the “New Exodus” with Jesus.

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