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URBACT II and Regions for Economic Change State of play and future perspectives Alexander FERSTL, European Commission, DG REGIO - Directorate for Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "URBACT II and Regions for Economic Change State of play and future perspectives Alexander FERSTL, European Commission, DG REGIO - Directorate for Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 URBACT II and Regions for Economic Change State of play and future perspectives Alexander FERSTL, European Commission, DG REGIO - Directorate for Policy Development Interservice-Group on Urban Development, 27 October 2009

2 Overview Objectives Testing best practice for economic modernization and increased competitiveness Bringing good ideas faster into implementation – Linking networking to mainstream funding Innovating Cohesion Policy and high-lighting best-practice Themes 30 defined key themes 7 specifically relevant for urban deevelopment: URBACT II programme Communication COM(2006) 675final

3 « Fast Track Networks » Principles
Special relevance in one of the 30 themes Labeling of (MC approved) URBACT II and Interreg IVC networks by the European Commission (objective criteria - website) Fast Track Networks Need a strong commitment from the Managing Authorities of all partners to implement Local Action Plans through Cohesion Policy or national/regional programmes Receive advisory support and expertise from Commission Services Are highlighted in Commission events

4 How are the Fast Track networks selected?
“Parallel process”: Monitoring Committees of network programmes (Member States) decide on financing (URBACT II and Interreg IVC) Relevant Commission Services decide on the Fast Track status of the networks (“Labeling”) Commission internal process: Check list Interservice Meetings: YES/NO Decision - One DG takes the lead, other DGs can be associated Discussion of details with Lead Partner cities

5 Implementation so far Fast Track Networks, implemented under ETC programmes URBACT II: 7 Interreg IVC: 6 Investment connected/triggered: approx. € 380 million New networks will be selected after the programmes‘ 2nd calls Annual Conferences and seminars promoting Fast Track Networks since 2007 Awards RegioStars – CityStars (awarded for the 1st time in 2010) „Innovative use of brownfield sites in an urban context“ „The integration of migrants or marginalized groups in urban areas“

6 URBACT II Fast Track Networks
RfEC Theme URBACT II Thematic Networks with Fast Track Label DGs involved 1. Healthy communities Building Healthy Communities SANCO (REGIO) 2. Integrated policies on urban transport - 3. Sustainable & energy efficient housing stock 4. Marginalised youth 5. Managing migration Open Cities MILE (closed) REGIO (EMPL, JLS) REGIO (JLS, EMPL) 6. Sustainable urban development UNIC HerO RegGov URBAMECO (closed) REGIO (ENTR, EMPL) REGIO (ENV, EAC) REGIO (EMPL) REGIO (EMPL, ENV) 7. Brownfields & waste disposal sites

7 The specific URBACT II context
Regions for Economic Change „methodology“ used as one of the guiding principles for the design of the programme and itt projects (association of over 200 Managing Authorities in projects) Supports the mainstreaming of URBAN and the implementation of urban actions in regional/national Operational Programmes No automatism for urban actions within OPs or access to funding – Challenge of including local actors into the implementation Need for better cooperation between cities and their Managing Authorities One way to improve shortcomings concerning urban actions in ERDF programmes (local involvement, integration of actions)

8 Lessons learned from the (Fast Track) networks so far
New partnerships and links are received positively Connecting local, regional and European level New and strong links between MAs and cities (access to funding – mutual learning) Jointly prepared applications – testing ground for new concepts and ideas Commission support and communication elements appreciated by cities and regions (thematic input, contact to Managing Authorities, conferences and seminars) DG REGIO leads most URBACT II FT networks Limited involvement of other (associated) DGs

9 Outlook Annual conference (20/21 May 2010) and CityStars Awards (2010 awards plus new categories announced) New Fast Track Networks after the 2nd Call of URBACT II (2009): Emphasis on previously un-covered themes 6 applications 3 applications eligible and proposed for financing

10 URBACT II Fast Track Networks – Candidates 2nd Call
RfEC Theme Number of URBACT II Fast Track Networks so far Eligible project application proposed for financing 1. Healthy communities 1 2. Integrated policies on urban transport - 3. Sustainable & energy efficient housing stock CASH (Echirolles, FR) URBAN ENERGY (Avrig, RO) 4. Marginalised youth InteGrow (Consortium Red Local, ES) 5. Managing migration 2 6. Sustainable urban development 4 7. Brownfields & waste disposal sites

11 Outlook Annual conference (20/21 May 2010) and CityStars Awards (2010 awards plus new categories announced) New Fast Track Networks after the 2nd Call of URBACT II (2009): Emphasis on previously un-covered themes Next steps: Inter-service Meetings for the relevant themes (beginning Nov 09) Sustainable & energy efficient housing stock (co-lead: DG TREN and REGIO, associated: ENV and RTD) Marginalised youth (co-lead: DG EAC and EMPL, associated: INFSO) Labeling of networks and information to Monitoring Committee Decision on financing on 24 Nov 2009

12 Contact: ecochange/index_en.cfm

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