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TRAIN II Jim Pinson ACACSO May 9, 2014.

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1 TRAIN II Jim Pinson ACACSO May 9, 2014

2 Discussion Topics TRAIN II Overview Impact on Car Hire Impact on DDCT

3 TRAIN II Overview TRAIN is the acronym for TeleRail Automated Information Network. TRAIN is the system used to communicate electronically within the rail industry.

4 TRAIN II Overview TRAIN is used to monitor the movement cycle of equipment. TRAIN provides up-to-date information on car location.

5 TRAIN II Overview Almost all electronic communication uses the TRAIN system. Examples include: Interchanges Movement events Transfers of liability Car grade inspections Shipper reject information Placements, Loading Reports, Origin/Destination Reports, Regional Boundary Crossing, Unloadings, Bad Order Storage/Hold Reports, Empty Car Destination Reports, Early Warning Inspections, ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), Ramped and Deramped, Shipper Rejection Reasons

6 TRAIN II Overview Communication via TRAIN is two-way:
Carriers to Railinc Railinc to carriers/car owners

7 TRAIN II Impact on Car Hire
Without TRAIN messaging, no centralized processing of car hire messages would exist. Talking point here is Rule 4 in 2013 project

8 TRAIN II Impact on Car Hire
Messages that impact car hire: TRAIN 10 – Interchange, movement, etc. TRAIN 10, Type 80, 81, 84, 85 – TOL (Rule 5) Carrier/car owner to Railinc TRAIN 26/29 – Rule 15 TRAIN 28 – TOL (Rule 4, 5 and 15) Railinc to carrier/car owner TRAIN 50 – TOL errors

9 TRAIN II Impact on Car Hire
More messages that impact car hire: TRAIN – Junction Advice TRAIN 69 – Interchange Advice

10 TRAIN II Impact on Car Hire
Submitting parties Carriers that use railcars Receiving parties Carriers, car owners, shippers Transmission method MQ Connections FTP Connections

11 TRAIN II Impact on DDCT Car hire for DDCT cars is managed through the following special road marks: DSP7 DVR7 SHP7 DEAD DSP8 SHP8

12 TRAIN II Impact on DDCT TRAIN messaging for DDCT is handled via TRAIN 10 messages. Unique messages for DDCT are not necessary.

13 TRAIN II Impact on DDCT Submitting parties and receiving parties
Damaging carriers Handling carriers Car mark owners Transmission method MQ Connections FTP Connections

14 TRAIN II Manual Overview
Table of contents describes sections of the manual References pages provide complete descriptions Contains sample forms and instructions for completion Contains descriptions of codes used in messaging Note: Switch File

15 TRAIN II Manual Practical application
Understand the information required Requirements for Rule 5 terminal switch TOL Requirements for Rule 5 in connection with Rule 22 Understand information from the system TRAIN 50 (Rule 5) errors

16 Get the TRAIN II Manual Contact the Railinc Customer Support Center at (877-RAILINC) or


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