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PPs –MM FE - Manajemen Uniersitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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1 PPs –MM FE - Manajemen Uniersitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Sub culture PPs –MM FE - Manajemen Uniersitas Muhammadiyah Malang Bamisha

2 Subcultural Influences
In society individuals do not all have the same cultural values Certain segments may be identified as subcultures because they have homogenous values and customs that distinguish them from society as a whole Bamisha

3 Characteristics of Subcultures
Subcultural distinctiveness To maintain separate identity Subcultural homogeneity More likely to exert influence on its members Subcultural exclusion Have sought exclusion from society or have been excluded by society Bamisha

4 Types of Subculture Age Geography Religion
Nontraditional subculture (Lifestyle) Ethnic Bamisha

5 Age Age groups have sufficiently homogeneous and distinctive values to constitute a subculture Three groups: Baby busters Baby boomers The elderly Bamisha

6 Geography Be identified as subcultures because of differences in their tastes and behavior Marketers can identify specific areas with homogeneous needs and values Three differences: Tastes Lifestyle Values Bamisha

7 Religion Religions practice traditions and customs tied to their beliefs and passed on from one generation to the next Religious affiliation can also influence the way consumers evaluate brands. Bamisha

8 Nontraditional Subculture
Can also be grouped around lifestyle choices Its member share common needs and aspirations that are outgrowths of their common beliefs Bamisha

9 Ethnic Defined by ethnic origin, particularly by race and/ or national origin Consumers in a particular racial or national group are considered part of a subculture when they have a common heritage or environment that influences values and purchasing behavior Bamisha

10 Distinctiveness of Characteristic and Behavior
Three steps are: Demographic characteristic Purchasing patterns Marketing to the subculture Market segmentation Product development Advertising Media Distribution Bamisha

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