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Halls of Residence Application Process for 2017

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1 Halls of Residence Application Process for 2017

2 There are two parts to your application
Your on-line application You are advised to send this by early September. (No later than 15th September. The absolute deadline is the 30th of September.) Check institution websites for guides to applying. You may be required to register and get a login number and may need to enrol before you can complete your on-line application. You will need to check the individual institution website for what is required. You will need to fill in details on CCRF request form for school to provide your reference. Victoria University and Willis 222 require a $75 application fee which is non- refundable. 2. Confidential Referees Report from school

3 Confidential Referees Report
The School’s Information sheet: This is for all university and polytech accommodation applications It should now be completed and handed in to the Student Office. Deadline is Friday 29th July (Week 1, Term 3) The institution’s Referees form: The school will complete the Common Confidential Reference and send this directly to the tertiary institution/s that you have identified on your school information sheet. You must notify Mrs Guilliard if you have changed your mind or have added another institution. Please note: You may not ask individual staff members to complete the CCRF for you. They are all done through Tutors and Careers Advisers, who may contact your nominated teachers.

4 Other Information Ensure you have filled in the Destinations / Accommodation Option sheets Remember to promote yourself in your application and fill in all sections accurately. The Personal Statement and “What you can offer” are crucial sections. Please think carefully, promote yourself honestly and put in as much detail as possible. Mention the names of other family members who have attended the Hall. Get someone else to check what you’ve done before you push the send button. Hall preference – be careful not to choose the most popular Halls as your first and second choice. Make sure you indicate on the School Information Sheet all the universities you are applying for. You are advised to apply for a full year, otherwise you may not receive preference for a place. However, be aware that there may be a financial penalty if your leave the Hall before the end of the year. You are advised on your online application to only indicate this is the university you are applying for and not list others if asked. You will need to go onto each institutions website for different applications.

5 Final Advice Failure to get all Referee forms/School Information Sheets to the Student Office by Friday 29th July, will mean your Referee’s application will not be processed until after all other applications are processed. Students attending Open Days later in August, please advise Mrs Guilliard on your preferred Hall choice when you return. Students applying for a Limited Entry course, e.g. P.E; Teaching or others, check with Mrs Guilliard re: stating your chosen course on your application form. Notification of an offer of place will probably occur during the Term 3 holidays. You are strongly advised to regularly check your s to respond to the offer. When you are offered a place, read the contract CAREFULLY, as a deposit will need to be made by a specified date to secure your place. This can be $600+. If you withdraw from a Hall you may not receive the full deposit back. Check carefully for withdrawal date deadlines, penalties and refunds.

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