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Published byFelix Morris Modified over 5 years ago
Hyfforddiant Canlyniadau Personol i Ddarparwyr Gofal yn y Cartref
Personal Outcomes Training for Domiciliary Care Providers Risg cadarnhaol a Gwneud Penderfyniadau ar y Cyd Pennod 3 – Cadw cydbwysedd rhwng risg, hawliau a chyfrifoldebau Positive Risk and Shared Decision Making Chapter 3 – Balancing risks, rights and responsibilities
Canlyniad dysgu Learning Outcome
Deall beth rydyn ni’n golygu wrth risg a sut mae hwn yn allweddol wrth hybu hawliau a grymuso pobl Understand what we mean by risk and how this is key to empowering and promoting people’s rights
Beth ydy risg yn golygu i chi? What does risk mean to you?
SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gofynnwch i bobl drafod mewn parau, neu fel grŵp, beth mae risg yn golygu iddynt wrth feddwl am eu bywydau eu hun neu yn eu gwaith. Os ydych chi'n gweithio mewn grŵp, gall bobl rhoi adborth i’r drafodaeth ehangach am sut mae pobl yn meddwl am risg. **************************************************************************************************************************************************** Ask people to discuss in pairs, or as a group what risk means to them in their own lives or in their work. If working in a group, people can feed back to a wider discussion about how they see risk.
Yn aml mae pobl yn gweld risg fel rhywbeth…
Risk is often seen as something… y mae angen ei osgoi y mae angen ei reoli y mae angen atal rhag digwydd y mae angen ei hasesu gan rhywun broffesiynol yn cael ei ddiffinio gan staff neu’r sefydliad to be avoided to be controlled to be prevented from happening to be professionally assessed defined by staff or the organisation SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Pan rydyn ni’n gweithio gyda phobl mae’n hawdd meddwl am risg fel hyn oherwydd rydyn ni eisiau cefnogi pobl i fod yn ddiogel ac yn iach. Gofynnwch i bobl os oes gyda nhw unrhyw beth arall i’w hychwanegu. Ai dyma sut mae pobl yn meddwl am risg yn eu bywyd eu hun? Animeiddio: bydd y pwyntiau bwled yn ymddangos fesul un. *************************************************************************************************************************************************** When we’re working with people, it can be easy to think about risk in these terms as we want to support people to be safe and well. Ask participants if they have anything else to add. Is this how people think about risks in their own lives? Animation: Each bullet point will appear individually
Ond dylid ei weld fel rhywbeth…
But should be seen as something….. Sy’n rhan o fywyd bob dydd Sy’n cefnogi pobl i wneud beth sy’n bwysig iddynt Y mae gan bobl yr hawl i fod yn rhan ohono ac i wneud penderfyniadau amdano, hyd yn oed os ydy pobl eraill yn meddwl eu bod yn annoeth Sy’n ystyried yr holl opsiynau, gan gynnwys y risg o beidio gweithredu, yn ogystal â’r risg sy’n gysylltiedig â gweithred Y mae angen ei reoli, nid dim ond ei hasesu Which is part of every day life Which supports people to do what matters to them Which people have the right to be involved in, make decisions about, even if others think they’re ‘unwise’ Which weighs up all options, including the risks of not taking a particular course of action as well as those of taking it Which needs to be managed not just assessed SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Wrth wneud penderfyniadau am ein bywydau ein hun dydyn ni ddim yn meddwl amdanynt yn nhermau risg. Mae’r un peth yn wir am bobl sy’n defnyddio gwasanaethau gofal a chymorth. Mae’r Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014, a’r Ddeddf Galluedd Meddyliol 2005, y Ddeddf Hawliau Dynol 1998 a’r Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn ein hannog i gefnogi pobl i wneud yr hyn sy’n bwysig iddynt. Mae’n canolbwyntio ar gryfderau pobl a’u galluogi nhw i fyw eu bywydau yn hytrach na cheisio “trwsio” neu “amddiffyn” sefyllfaoedd. Mae’n annog archwilio dewis a risg gyda phob ac ystyried yr opsiynau sydd ar gael iddynt wrth ystyried y gofal a’r cymorth rydyn ni’n ei ddarparu. Nid yw cymryd risgiau'r un peth â bod yn esgeulus: rhaid i ni barhau i reoli rhai risgiau a chofio ein cyfrifoldebau amddiffyn. Animeiddio: bydd y pwyntiau bwled yn ymddangos fesul un. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** When we make decisions about our own lives, we don’t always think about them in terms of risk. It is often the same for people who use care and support services. Supporting people to do what matters to them is supported by the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act It focuses on people’s strengths and facilitating them to live their lives, rather than automatically assuming the role of ‘fixer’ or ‘protector’. It is about exploring choices and risks with people and weighing up the options for them and for the care and support we provide. Taking risks is not the same as being negligent: we still need to manage some risks and remember our safeguarding responsibilities. Animation: Each bullet point will appear individually.
Decisions about risk should be…
Cyn i ni feddwl am risg cadarnhaol rhaid i ni feddwl am dri rhan pwysig Decisions about risk should be… Amddiffynol Defensible Cydbwysedd Balanced Cydweithredu Collaborative SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Cydbwysedd – adnabod buddiannau ynghyd â’r risg o niwed, ac ystyried yr effeithiau emosiynol, seicolegol, corfforol a chymdeithasol posibl ar gyfer pob opsiwn Amddiffynol – cadw cofnodion clir sy’n helpu i ddangos mai’r unigolyn sy’n arwain ein gwaith ac nid yr angen i amddiffyn ein hunain (amddiffynol) Cydweithredu – gweithio gyda phobl sydd angen gwasanaethau, eu teuluoedd a gweithwyr proffesiynol ac asiantaethau eraill Wedi’i gymryd o Risg cadarnhaol a gwneud penderfyniadau ar y cyd 2018, Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru ac Imogen Blood & Associates (wedi’i gynnwys yn y pecyn hyfforddi fel gwybodaeth cefndir) Mae pobl “cwmwl” yn ymmdangos yn unigol ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Balanced - recognising the benefit as well as the risk of harm, and considering the possible emotional, psychological, physical and social impact of each option Defensible – clear record keeping that helps to show that our work is led by the individual, not by the need to protect ourselves first; (defensive) Collaborative - working with people who access services, their families and other professionals and agencies Taken from Positive risk and shared decision-making 2018, Social Care Wales and Imogen Blood & Associates (included in training pack for background information) Each ‘thought cloud’ appears individually Risg cadarnhaol a phenderfynu ar y cyd
Straeon personol Personal stories
Gweithiwch mewn parau i drafod straeon personol am gadw cydbwysedd rhwng risg, hawliau a chyfrifoldebau Dolenni i straeon Rhannu adborth/ trafodaeth grŵp Work in pairs to discuss the personal stories about balancing risk, rights and responsibilities Links to stories Share feedback/group discussion SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gofynnwch i bobl drafod un o’r straeon personol mewn parau, neu siaradwch am esiampl o gadw cydbwysedd rhwng risg, hawliau a chyfrifoldebau’n ymarferol. Adborth gan y grŵp. Mae cwestiynau ar ddiwedd y straeon, ond gallech ofyn hefyd (yn enwedig os oes gan bobl esiamplau o’u hymarfer eu hun). Beth gall yr unigolyn wneud? Beth gall bobl eraill wneud? Beth allech chi wneud fel rhan o’ch rôl? Gallai hwn ddigwydd ble rydych chi’n gweithio? A fyddai yna unrhyw rwystrau? ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Ask people to discuss one of the personal stories in pairs, or talk about an example of balancing risk, rights and responsibilities in practice. Feedback from the group. There are questions at the bottom of the stories, but you could also ask (especially if people have examples from practice): What could the individual do? What could other people do? What could you do in your role? Could this happen where you work? Would there be any barriers?
Meddyliwch am rywun rydych chi’n gweithio gyda nhw
Beth ydych chi’n meddwl mae nhw’n ystyried i fod yn risgiau? Beth ydych chi’n meddwl yw’r risgiau? Think of someone you work with What do you think they see as risks? What do you see as risks?
Rhwystrau i’r cydbwysedd rhwng risg, hawliau a chyfrifoldebau
Barriers to balancing risk, rights and responsivities Diwylliant o roi bai ar bobl sydd ddim bob tro’n rhoi ffydd mewn barn proffesiynol Diffyg dealltwriaeth bod y gyfraith yn galw am agwedd o gymryd risgiau cadarnhaol a sut mae hwn yn wahanol i ymarfer “esgeulus”; Blame culture that doesn’t always trust professional judgement A lack of understanding that the law actually requires a positive risk- taking approach and how this differs from ‘negligent’ practice; SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gofynnwch i’r grwp sut gallwn ni cael gwared â rhwystrau? Gallwch ddod o hyd i fwy o wybodaeth yn Risg cadarnhaol a gwneud penderfyniadau ar y cyd 2018, Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru ac Imogen Blood & Associates (wedi’i gynnwys yn y pecyn hyfforddi fel gwybodaeth cefndir) Datblygu diwylliant o ddysgu: dathlu llwyddiannau, ystyried cryfderau pobl, dysgu o gamgymeriadau ac ymddiried ym mhobl Hybu dull o weithio sy’n seiliedig ar hawliau: meddwl am beth sy’n bwysig i’r unigolyn a beth yw eu hawliau nhw Rhannu gwneud penderfyniadau ar risg: cynnal sgyrsiau agored gydag unigolion, eu teuluoedd (ble’n berthnasol) a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill Adeiladu perthnasoedd sy’n seiliedig ar ffydd: mae pobl angen y sgiliau a’r amser i gynnal sgyrsiau da Cefnogi cydnerthedd a chreadigrwydd: adeiladu a meithrin rhwydweithiau cefnogaeth, gan gynnwys teulu a chymunedau ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Question to group: how can we remove the barriers? More information and ideas can be found in Positive risk and shared decision-making 2018, Social Care Wales and Imogen Blood & Associates (included in training pack for background information) Developing a learning culture: celebrate successes, look for people’s strengths, learn from mistakes and trust people Promoting a rights-based approach: think about what matters to the individual and what their rights are Shared decision-making around risk: having open conversations with individuals, their families (where relevant) and with other professionals Building trusting relationships: people need the skills and time to have good conversations Supporting resilience and creativity: build and nurture support networks, including families and communities
Rhwystrau i’r cydbwysedd rhwng risg, hawliau a chyfrifoldebau
Barriers to balancing risk, rights and responsivities Diffyg buddsoddiad amser i weithio gyda theuluoedd er mwyn clywed eu pryderon, i ddeall beth sy’n bwysig i’r unigolyn ac i drafod ystod o opsiynau (sydd yn aml yn medru bod yn fwy cynaliadwy a chost effeithiol yn yr hirdymor) Sut gallwn ni cael gwared â’r rhwystrau? A lack of time to invest in working with families in order to hear their worries, understand what matters to the individual and find a range of options (which can often be more sustainable and cost-effective over time). How can we remove the barriers? SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gofynnwch i’r grwp sut gallwn ni cael gwared â rhwystrau? Gallwch ddod o hyd i fwy o wybodaeth yn Risg cadarnhaol a gwneud penderfyniadau ar y cyd 2018, Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru ac Imogen Blood & Associates (wedi’i gynnwys yn y pecyn hyfforddi fel gwybodaeth cefndir) Datblygu diwylliant o ddysgu: dathlu llwyddiannau, ystyried cryfderau pobl, dysgu o gamgymeriadau ac ymddiried ym mhobl Hybu dull o weithio sy’n seiliedig ar hawliau: meddwl am beth sy’n bwysig i’r unigolyn a beth yw eu hawliau nhw Rhannu gwneud penderfyniadau ar risg: cynnal sgyrsiau agored gydag unigolion, eu teuluoedd (ble’n berthnasol) a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill Adeiladu perthnasoedd sy’n seiliedig ar ffydd: mae pobl angen y sgiliau a’r amser i gynnal sgyrsiau da Cefnogi cydnerthedd a chreadigrwydd: adeiladu a meithrin rhwydweithiau cefnogaeth, gan gynnwys teulu a chymunedau ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Question to group: how can we remove the barriers? More information and ideas can be found in Positive risk and shared decision-making 2018, Social Care Wales and Imogen Blood & Associates (included in training pack for background information) Developing a learning culture: celebrate successes, look for people’s strengths, learn from mistakes and trust people Promoting a rights-based approach: think about what matters to the individual and what their rights are Shared decision-making around risk: having open conversations with individuals, their families (where relevant) and with other professionals Building trusting relationships: people need the skills and time to have good conversations Supporting resilience and creativity: build and nurture support networks, including families and communities
Meddyliau o’r grwpiau ffocws Thoughts from focus groups
“Maen nhw [y bobl sy’n dod i mewn i’r system gofal cymdeithasol] yn sydyn yn cael eu ‘gwneud yn anabl’ gan y system. Mae popeth yn newid gyda’u cyfeiriad at y system” “Mae yna ddiwylliant wrth risg anferth, sy’n gallu rhwystro pobl rhag byw eu bywydau’n dda” “There’s a huge culture of risk aversion, which can really get in the way of people trying to live their lives well.” “They [people who enter the social care system] suddenly become ‘disabled’ by the system. Everything changes with that referral.” SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gallwch ddod o hyd i fwy o wybodaeth yn Risg cadarnhaol a gwneud penderfyniadau ar y cyd 2018, Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru ac Imogen Blood & Associates (wedi’i gynnwys yn y pecyn hyfforddi fel gwybodaeth cefndir) Mae bob bocs yn ymddangos yn unigol, gan ddechrau o’r top ar y chwith. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** More information and ideas can be found in Positive risk and shared decision-making 2018, Social Care Wales and Imogen Blood & Associates (included in training pack for background information) Each thought ‘bubble’ appears individually. Starting from top left to bottom right.
Meddyliau o’r grwpiau ffocws Thoughts from focus groups
“Nid ni sy’n gwneud y penderfyniadau bellach. Rhaid i ni ddefnyddio’n rôl i gefnogi’r broses o wneud penderfyniadau” “Ai ‘risg cadarnhaol’ yw e? Neu ydy e’n fwy am bobl yn gwneud penderfyniadau am eu bywydau?” “Po fwyaf rydyn ni’n ceisio rheoli risk, myaf oll yw’r risg i’r unigolyn, gan efallai byddan nhw’n cymryd y risg ta beth, heb gymorth” “Is it ‘positive risk’? Or is it more just about people making decisions about their lives?” “The more we try to manage risk, the more risk there is for that person as they might just go and do it anyway without the support.” “We’re not the decision-makers anymore. It’s about how we use our role to support that decision-making.” SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Sylwadau o’r grwp ffocws a gynhaliwyd gan Imogen Blood Associates ar gyfer y gwaith ar Risg Cadarnhaol, a gomisiynwyd gan Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru (link i’r dudalen we) Mae bob bocs yn ymddangos yn unigol, gan ddechrau o’r top ar y chwith. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Comments from Positive risk and shared decision-making 2018, Social Care Wales and Imogen Blood & Associates (included in training pack for background information) Each thought ‘bubble’ appears individually. Starting from top left to bottom right.
Beth ydych chi’n meddwl? What are your thoughts?
SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH NOTES Gofynnwch i bobl rhannu eu meddyliau ******************************************** Ask participants to share their thoughts
Cwestiynau i chi feddwl am
Suggested questions for you to think about I bwy mae’r risg yma’n berthnasol? Gan feddwl am yr hyn rydych wedi dysgu, sut byddech yn dechrau meddwl am drin risg yn wahanol? Sut gallwch ddefnyddio’r hyn rydych wedi dysgu heddiw fel rhan o’ch gwaith ar ganlyniadau personol? Whose risk are we talking about? From what you have learnt, how would you start thinking about approaching risk differently? How can what you have learnt today be part of your personal outcomes approach?
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