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M.D. Ford Waynesboro High School

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1 M.D. Ford Waynesboro High School
Taboo M.D. Ford Waynesboro High School

2 Taboo Rules: Clues cannot rhyme Clues cannot reveal first letter
Clues can reveal number of letters, syllables, and/or words You may give clues in any order You have 90 seconds per round Good Luck!

3 Round 1 Pope Italy Selling indulgences Italian domination of Church
Church’s excessive wealth and power Usury Reformation

4 Time’s Up!

5 Justification by Faith Alone
Round 2 Martin Luther 95 Theses Diet of Worms Excommunicated Translated Bible Justification by Faith Alone Holy Roman Empire

6 Time’s Up!

7 Round 3 John Calvin Henry VIII Predestination Huguenots
Anglican Church Protestants England

8 Time’s Up!

9 Index of Forbidden Books
Round 4 Catholics Inquisition Jesuits Index of Forbidden Books Papal States Council of Trent CounterReformation

10 Time’s Up!

11 Round 5 Northern Europe Edict of Nantes Elizabeth I Printing press
Vernacular language Thirty Years’ War France

12 Time’s Up!

13 Other Subjects Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci Sistine Chapel
Shakespeare Erasmus Humanism Florence

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