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Parent Meeting Class Mercury and Venus

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1 Parent Meeting Class Mercury and Venus
Welcome to Year 1! Parent Meeting Class Mercury and Venus

2 The Year 1 team Class Mercury teacher - MissTabbasam
Class Venus teacher Miss McAleavey ETA- Miss Rawat HLTA- Miss Gora and Mrs Kola SEN support- Miss Cowdell

3 Year 1 Curriculum

4 Trips Old and new toy party LEGOLAND Animal visit
Royal tea party in school Local walk York museum A £10 deposit by Friday 15th September Full amount payable by 31st December

5 Uniform

6 School rules To try our very best. To look after our environment.
Always be honest and trustworthy. To treat everyone fairly.

7 Class rules Show 5

8 Year 1 Targets Boys achievement – ensure summer born boys make progress. Increase the percentage of children working at Gold in writing. Target of 90% pass for the phonics screening.

9 Homework On Monday, we will give your child two banded reading books. The books will need to be read by the following Monday. Please write a comment in their reading record so we know that your child has read the book. On Tuesday, the children will be given the opportunity to take a book from the new library. This book will need to be brought back to school the following Tuesday. Please write a comment in their reading records. Please send their book bags in everyday. We will give the children phonics/spelling and maths homework every Tuesday. Please ensure that homework is completed and returned to school every week on the following Monday.

10 Other information Our P.E day is Tuesday every week. Please remember to send your child with their P.E kits. Spelling Each week, we will send a spelling list home with your child. Please practise these spellings with them at home. We will be testing them on their spellings every week.

11 Thank you for your time.

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