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Chapter 13 Review Game.

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1 Chapter 13 Review Game

2 Questions What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph

3 Answer Autotrophs use energy to make their own food.
Heterotrophs eat other organism for food.

4 Questions Fire Wind Air Snail Temperature Flowers Gold Frog Water Wool
From the list below, name all the abiotic factors: Fire Snail Gold Wool Hair Clouds Wind Temperature Frog Fungi Energy Tornado Air Flowers Water Soil Gravel Worms

5 Answer Air Energy Water Tornado Soil Fire Gravel Gold Wind Clouds
Temperature Energy Tornado Fire Gold Clouds

6 Questions The variety of living things in an ecosystem is called _________.

7 Answer Biodiversity

8 Questions Name one omnivore in this food web.

9 Answer Mallard Vole Rat Mouse Sparrow

10 Questions Label each level of organization 1 2 3 4

11 Answer 1. Organism 2. Population 3. Community 4. Ecosystem

12 Questions 1. What are the two processes producers use to make their own food? 2. What kind energy does it one use? 3. Which one is used by most autotrophs?

13 Answer 2. Sunlight & Chemical 3. Sunlight
1. Photosynthesis & Chemosynthesis 2. Sunlight & Chemical 3. Sunlight

14 Questions Which type of pyramid used by ecologist is illustrated below?

15 Answer Energy Pyramid

16 Question How much energy is passed on to each trophic level?

17 Answer 10%

18 Questions In a fourth-level energy pyramid, if the first level contains 500 calories of energy, the third level will contain approximately ______ calories.

19 Answer 5

20 Questions What are the five different types of Heterotroph?

21 Answer Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Detritivores Decomposers

22 Questions In the following food chain, which is the 2nd Consumer?

23 Answer Small fish

24 Questions What is the difference between habitat and niche?

25 Answer Habitat is the place a plant or animal lives
Niche is an organism’s role in its habitat

26 Questions What is a trophic level?

27 Answer Each step in the transfer of energy and matter within a food web is called a trophic level.

28 Questions What organisms make up the first trophic level in a food web?

29 Answer Producers

30 Questions How many trophic levels?

31 Answer 4 3 2 1

32 Questions What is the term for an organism that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem?

33 Answer Keystone Species Bonus: 1 pt
What is one example of these type of organism? Examples: Beavers, alligators, Gopher Tortoises

34 Questions Label each step in the following food chain. 1 3 2 6

35 Answer 1. producer 2. 1st Consumer 3. 2nd Consumer 4. 3rd Consumer

36 Questions What show the flow of energy in a food web?

37 Answer Arrows

38 Questions Put the following levels of organization from smallest to largest. Population Biome Community Organism Ecosystem

39 Answer Organism  Population Community Ecosystem Biome

40 Questions What is another name for a consumer?
What is another name for a producer?

41 Answer Consumer Heterotroph Producer Autotroph

42 Questions What are two examples of autotrophs?

43 Answer Plants, algae

44 Questions What is the difference between detritivores and decomposers?

45 Answer Detritivores Feed On Dead Plant & Animal Remains
Decomposers: break down organic material into simple compounds

46 Questions A consumers that primarily eat one specific organism or a very small number of organisms is called __________.

47 Answer Specialist

48 Questions What is the original source of almost all energy in most ecosystems?

49 Answer Sunlight

50 Questions How might the stability of an ecosystem be affected if all of the decomposes were suddenly removed?

51 Answer The stability of the ecosystem would be negatively affected because without decomposers, vital nutrients would not be returned to the environment

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