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Dealing with Difference

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1 Dealing with Difference
Minimizing Unconscious Bias to Recruit and Retain the Best and the Brightest 25 January 2018

2 Panelists Lory Barsdate Easton Howie Schaffer 26 years in BigLaw
Mass torts defense lawyer DC Diversity Committee chair Psychology student Howie Schaffer Principal, Bonanza Communications Inclusion, Identity, Leadership & Organizational Culture

3 The Psychology of Diversity
Subconscious cognitive and psychological processes influence our social interactions Implicit bias Stereotype threat Racial anxiety/difference anxiety Can we “eliminate” implicit biases? Elucidate Minimize counterproductive effects

4 Implicit Bias What it is: Mental shortcuts
Automatic associations IAT ( Unconscious Hard-wired What it is not: Racism (belief in the superiority of a particular race) Nonetheless, it can lead to discriminatory behaviors

5 Implicit Biases and Evaluation of Merit
Bias “blind spots” Paradox of meritocracy Cognitive resource management In-group favoritism Implications for recruiting, training, evaluation, compensation, retention

6 Mental Shortcuts Associative coherence Confirmation bias Halo effect
Anchoring & priming

7 Racial Anxiety/Difference Anxiety
Stress reactions during encounters with members of an “outgroup” Form of anxiety specific to intergroup interactions Influences emotions, behaviors, and thoughts Divergent goals for impression management Cognitive depletion Triggers physiological changes

8 Stereotype Threat Occurs when a person is concerned that she will confirm a negative stereotype about her group Distraction, stress reaction, cognitive depletion Persons in a stereotype threat situation may not perform to the best of their abilities Claude Steele, Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do (2010)

9 What Can We Do? Raise awareness
Consider best practices (accountability, formal systems) Create opportunities for new associations Heterogeneous groups Inter-group contact Speakers, visits, conversations, joint projects

10 Additional Take-Home Points
Be willing to examine the meritocracy Allow time for careful review Encourage focus on the individual Watch out for groupthink Purposefully expand your in-group, and support ways for others to do likewise

11 Generational Differences
Baby Boomers are working longer Gen Xers are eager for next career steps Millennials will be 75% of U.S. workforce in less than ten years


13 Baby Boomers: What Do They Want?
Less conformity, more self-actualization Position, perks & prestige Gratitude for what has been built Retirement security Part-time roles Respect for experience Professional legacy

14 Gen Xers: What Do They Want?
Job security & recognition Accountability Measurable impact of their work Work/life balance Remote work Enjoyable work Predictable schedules Clear boundaries

15 Millennials: What Do They Want?
Immediate responses, instant feedback Transparency Meaningful work Ability to prioritize family Flexible time, location, and even role High levels of well-being

16 Diversity-Related Hot Topics in Legal Recruiting
Competition for minority candidates Implicit bias training Microaggressions Racially charged news cycles “Me too” and the work environment

17 Thank You! Lory Barsdate Easton Howie Schaffer Bonanza Communications

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