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H1. X depletion by RNA interference and colocalization of H1

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1 H1. X depletion by RNA interference and colocalization of H1
H1.X depletion by RNA interference and colocalization of H1.X with the intermediate filament proteins in the marginal cells of the pharynx. H1.X depletion by RNA interference and colocalization of H1.X with the intermediate filament proteins in the marginal cells of the pharynx. Indirect immunofluorescence detection of histone H1.X in the marginal cells of the pharynx (αH1.X-11) shows a substantial reduction of H1.X after H1.X RNA interference (A) but not in control animals (C), which present intensely stained tonofilaments. The same two animals were additionally stained with the monoclonal anti-intermediate filament antibody IFA (B,D) ( Bartnik et al., 1986), which decorates the tonofilaments. This shows a comparable permeabilization and antibody accessibility in both animals as well as a colocalization of both antigenes in the tonofilaments. Bar, 20 μm. Monika A. Jedrusik et al. J Cell Sci 2002;115: © The Company of Biologists Limited 2002

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