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NASA recently discovered what appears to be microfossils on Mars

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Presentation on theme: "NASA recently discovered what appears to be microfossils on Mars"— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA recently discovered what appears to be microfossils on Mars

2 Project Envoy could answer the question…

3 Are we alone?

4 The U.S. is the leader in space exploration… we have the power to find the answer

5 However…

6 With great power

7 comes great responsibility


9 Team Illinois Presenters Ryan Eyer Emily Jelinek Martin Kator
Carolyn Rechel Natalia Wodecki

10 Objective Build support for the Envoy Program

11 Theme NASA. Envoy. Life. Based off of NASA’s recent findings, future missions will be used to make a connection between life on Earth and else where. In order to effectively capture the general public’s attention, the campaign was chosen to be direct and to the point.

12 Assertion What we do today will shape tomorrow

13 “Lifeline” Infomercial
This infomercial shows that our decisions affect the future in ways that we cannot predict. It ties in a child’s knocking over a glass to an astronaut’s visor and finally to the medicine that saves a child’s life.

14 All black background with green letters.










24 All black background with green letters.

25 Media Relations Ryan Eyer

26 Public Relations Week 1 National press releases Teaser campaign
15-second spots Sequential billboards NPR to all the major networks. National coverage. Press releases are very cheap. Get it out to the Associated Press. Only two boards. Create a buzz. Have one with “Envoy” and then another with “Life”.

27 First billboard.

28 Second billboard.

29 Top 21 These states have 75% of the registered voters. Get more bang for your buck.

30 Public Relations Week 1 National press releases Teaser campaign Week 2
Direct mail effort Teaser spot only goes to major networks. Postcards go to top 10 states in actual turnout, which accounts for over 50% of registered voters.

31 Top 10

32 Public Relations Week 1 National press releases Teaser campaign Week 2
Direct mail effort Week 3 Infomercial Network publicity Infomercial is launched nationally. Press releases will ask them to coordinate with the launch. The week 1 releases will ask to coordinate with week 3.

33 I3 Reloaded I3 Capsules Tailor materials Add to I3 capsules
Expose to technology Tailor materials to innovations found during the Envoy missions. Add them to the capsules. Gives children an exposure to cutting edge technology.

34 Final Thought

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