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Senior Advisor for Arab States - ITU

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1 Senior Advisor for Arab States - ITU
Workshop Scope Regional Workshop on ICT Indicators: from Policy & Strategy to Impact and Vice versa   Sharm ElSheik, Egypt, 8-9 June 2012 Dr. Ahmed ElHefnawy Senior Advisor for Arab States - ITU

2 GOAL: WHY We Called for this Workshop?
To Determine if Things Need to be Done Differently or Different Things Need to be Done or Both at: The National Level And / Or The Regional Level In order to Develop the ICT industry in the Arab States and if so, What Issues should be Addressed & How?

3 Get the Best Experts to present their Experiences
WHAT are the Mechanisms to Achieve Our Goal Get the Best Experts to present their Experiences Discuss Issues Freely and Holistically Use Measures (if available) Work Methodologically & as a Team

4 Mechanisms (1/4) : Our Invited Experts
Dr. Tim Kelly from World Bank, (Remote). Dr. Piotr Stryszowski, from OECD. Mr. David Eurin, from Analysys Mason. Dr. Mansour Farah, Independent Consultant. Mr. Amr Hashem, from Nile Ventures. Mr. Gamal Hegazy, FTTH. Mr. Rami Zaatri from ESCWA. In addition to Dr. Nagwa ElShenawy, Speakers of some case studies, and myself. See the Agenda for Presentation Titles

5 Stress on what is changing and a lot is.
Mechanisms (2/4) : Holistic Approach The title of the workshop from Policy & Strategy to Impact. (i.e. the Whole Story). Stress on what is changing and a lot is. Focus at the main issues like Broadband , Digital Content, but do no limit to them. Differentiate Symptoms from Causes and Results from Root Causes.

6 Move from Measurements for Ranking
Mechanisms (3/4) : Measures, Metrics, Indicators Move from Measurements for Ranking Measurements are Essential for Planning Planning is Essential for Management Management is Essential for Successful Development But these Measurements Require Proper Scoping and this has changed dramatically in the ICT industry as it is moving from: Voice (Time-Based) to Data (Bytes/Packets-Based); Narrowband to Broadband; Isolated to Integrated Services/ Markets; Central Control to Peripheral Intelligence

7 Consider ICT as a Basic Right not as a Privilege for the few.
Mechanisms (4/4) : Methodology & Teamwork Consider All Stakeholders; Government, Industry, Academia, Users (individuals/organizations). Consider ICT as a Basic Right not as a Privilege for the few. Consider the Value Chain as a Whole not Parts of it. Look at the Region as a whole and see what is common and if this helps, or do we continue to work mostly as individual countries/entities? Use a model for the Ecosystem of ICT. Collective Thinking for the Benefit of ALL.

8 شكرا لحسن إستماعكم


10 Q & A

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