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Goals and Strategies MACTE, Spring 2019 Columbia, MO

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Presentation on theme: "Goals and Strategies MACTE, Spring 2019 Columbia, MO"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals and Strategies MACTE, Spring 2019 Columbia, MO
MACTE Advocacy Goals and Strategies MACTE, Spring 2019 Columbia, MO

2 Welcome!

3 Today Past year of advocacy committee work MACTE advocacy goals
Advocacy Vision Draft, per MACTE Board

4 KEY We need your feedback!

5 Past year of advocacy committee work
Held calls and meetings Surveyed membership Developed draft goals Guidance from the board and others

6 Meetings: Advocacy Ad Hoc Committee
Tim Wall, Northwest Missouri State University John Lannin, University of Missouri ~ Columbia Odin Jurkowski, University of Central Missouri Betty Porter Walls, Harris-Stowe State University Laurie Edmondson, Drury University Alicia Noddings, Missouri Baptist University Colleen Hardy, College of the Ozarks Jim Concannon, William Woods University Robert Williams, Moberly Area Community College

7 Thank you!

8 Surveys Fall 18 and Spring 19, during MACTE conferences
Data on priorities and experiences Thank you for your help! N = 65

9 Surveys, Results

10 Huge Priority Or Priority
All (n= 65) Admin (n=24 ) Assessment Professional(n=7) Teacher Preparation Curriculum 62% 66% 43% Building the capacity of institutions of higher education to develop effective educators (including diversity of candidates) (So, what are we advocating for? What are we proactive vs. reactive with?) 55% 92% 71% Educate: What does a good quality educator look like? Combined MoSPE Standards 74% APR and Accountability 60% 96% 86% MEGA Assessments 100% Candidate selectivity, including diversity 54% 88% Educator Certification Learning among diverse K-12 students 52% 79% Candidate retention 75% Quality of K-12 student learning in MO 83% Strengthening institutions of higher education, including funding 49%

11 Quantitative findings results
All: Assessment/accreditation was a focus Admins: More focus on institution-wide issues

12 Quantitative findings results

13 Qualitative Results Other issues
Rebuild tarnished image of teachers; Educate increase salaries of teachers in low paying districts; Resources repair deteriorating schools and equipment; K-12 replace legislators who threaten substantial resources and structure of public schools by writing or supporting anti-student bills; MACTE cannot do require home schooling to operate with same content assessment standards as public schools; K-12 require school board members to pass a 9- month internship with assigned tasks and observations that encompass an equal span of time in each school in the district before their service begins. K-12 Content GPA: Assessment I realize marking them all high priority probably isn't helpful for you, but they are all important aspects of our work. Initiatives to increase the number of diverse teacher candidates and completers, including targeted funding for this. Program Recruitment Recognizing and addressing teacher shortages through targeted recruitment and support program development: Program Recruitment

14 Qualitative Results If you have any other thoughts on potential MACTE advocacy goals or strategies, please indicate here. Elevating the teaching profession in public consciousness--greater respectability, better wages. It is essential in the development of an educated populace, and essential to individual success--it should be treated with honor. Educating Can we address the need for more preparation for teachers, paraprofessionals, and school leaders to meet the needs of English language learners? Recruiting and completing Advocate for fewer regulatory restrictions on teacher preparation providers and curriculum. Curriculum A concern to have adequate and accurate reporting on private institutions (like public): Assessment Support for beginning teachers- coaching and advocacy: Resources Bring back a nationally recognized teacher assessment that does not limit the candidates to the state of Missouri. Assessment Student certification assessments and having resources for students prior to the "new" assessments. Assessment

15 Qualitative Results Themes
Educating policy makers Resources K-12 Partners Assessment of EPPs and PSTs Recruitment Completing/completers/certification Curriculum control/overload

16 Overlap K-12 Partners Pipeline Recruitment

17 Draft Goals Based on Survey feedback AACTE materials
Legislative priorities

18 AACTE materials

19 AACTE materials Goals of AACTE advocacy

20 Legislative priorities
Labor market/Teacher shortages Alternative providers Rural education

21 From this, our Draft Goals

22 Longer versions (draft)
1. Valuing great teachers and share expectations and best practices within the field of teacher preparation so our programs continue to create educators who can teach all Pk-12 students in all Missouri environments successfully. 2. Ensure a well-prepared and consistent teacher pipeline through collaborative planning between established teacher preparation programs, policy makers and other stakeholders. 3. Support high quality, research-based performance measures for all Missouri teacher preparation programs while ensuring measures allow equitable access to the workforce for teacher candidates of every background and ability of EPPs to support their own institutional goals and populations.

23 Longer versions (draft)
Passed on to MACTE board members

24 Table discussion Goals: cover everything MACTE should focus on, advocacy-wise? Anything to add/change?

25 Vision for advocacy group
Discussed at MACTE board meeting Two part General, blanket PR by all members EXAMPLE: recruit signing day, everyone in macte, elevates profession Specific advocacy effort, perhaps one per academic year/legislative session, to focus all MACTE advocacy efforts

26 Table discussion Feedback on Vision?

27 Resources available? If identified, advocacy committee can request funds for resources to aid in our activities Submitted to MACTE board

28 Table discussion What resources do you need to advocate? Examples
Pre-written materials to share with legislators Trainings One page written sheet to introduce yourself as a MACTE member

29 How do we function as a group?
Ad hoc advisory group: brainstorm: Request decisions from MACTE board Request help from MACTE membership

30 Table discussions What do you think?
Are we headed in the right direction? Any changes you would suggest to this group?

31 questions

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