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Chapter 13: Using Statistics

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1 Chapter 13: Using Statistics
Introduction 13.1 Descriptive statistics 13.2 Formulating hypotheses 13.3 Selecting your test 13.4 Testing means 13.5 Testing correlation 13.6 Conclusion

2 Introduction Only quick overview
If you can’t do it yourself, ask an expert

3 13.1 Descriptive statistics
Describe characteristics of population or sample Size (n, N) Mean (X, ) Variance (s, ) and Standard deviation (s², ŝ², ²) Correlation (p, ) Line graph: Show relationship or trend Bar graph: Visual comparison of values Pie chart: Distribution of total

4 13.2 Formulating hypotheses
Used if sample is representative of population H0: =0  H1: >0, H0: 0,H0: =1

5 13.3 Selecting your test Parametric and Non-parametric tests
Type I error: Reject hypothesis if it was true Type II error: Accept hypothesis if was false Level of significance (e.g. =0.05) Probability of making a type 1 error, i.e. we are 95% certain that we may reject the hypothesis Avoid type II error by never accepting a hypothesis

6 13.4 Testing means H0: =0 and H0: X=Y z-tests and t-tests
Tables 13.1 and 13.2 to determine which test to be used when Tables 13.3 and 13.5 to determine if H0 may be rejected

7 13.5 Testing correlation H0: XY = 0
H1: XY < 0, H1: XY > 0, H1: XY  0 Calculate t and compare with table 13.5 with df=n-2 If the correlation is not linear, variables have to be transformed, e.g. logarithmically.

8 13.5 Testing correlation: Contingency tables (²)
Used for correlation between nominal data E.g. see table 13.7 H0: No relationship between two variables Calculate ² and compare with Table 13.8 df = (n-1)(m-1)

9 Workshop Question: Do you think that a messy desk is indicative of a persons’ productivity? Does gender or age have something to do with it? (Note: The question is intentionally vague and ambiguous.) Decide on the dependent and independent variables. Formulate a hypothesis for this question. Design an experiment Use Excel and compile a set of hypothetical data Analyse the data Draw a conclusion

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