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Don’t Waste Your Youth! 12:13 Middle School Class September 18, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Don’t Waste Your Youth! 12:13 Middle School Class September 18, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don’t Waste Your Youth! 12:13 Middle School Class September 18, 2011

2 Don’t Waste Your Youth! Mind Body World Relationships
The Changing Middle School… Mind Body World Relationships

3 No longer satisfied with simple answers; you want to know why
Middle School MIND No longer satisfied with simple answers; you want to know why

4 Brain Twisters! I am large as a castle, yet lighter than air. 100 men and their horses cannot move me. What am I?

5 Brain Twisters! Four men were in a boat on the lake. The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why?

6 Middle School MIND Temptations Opportunities Pride Disrespect
Love God with all your mind Serve others, solve problems

7 Lots of change taking place as you mature from childhood to adulthood
Middle School BODY Lots of change taking place as you mature from childhood to adulthood

8 Middle School BODY Temptations Pride Fear Opportunities Humility Trust

9 More exposure and attraction to the world and its pleasures
Middle School WORLD More exposure and attraction to the world and its pleasures

10 Middle School WORLD Temptations Opportunities Discontentment
Worldliness Opportunities Deeper relationship with God Stronger personal convictions

11 Middle School RELATIONSHIPS
Increasing concern about what other kids your age think of you

12 Middle School RELATIONSHIPS
Temptations Fear of man (peer pressure) Pull away from your parents Opportunities Grow in biblical love for peers Draw closer to parents

13 Make the Most of Your Middle School Years
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52)

14 Brain Twisters! During a crazy weekend of paintball, four friends were having great fun. The paint came in blue, green, yellow and red. Coincidentally, the four friends had T-shirts in those same colors. Brenda used blue paint balls. The person in the green T-shirt used yellow paint balls. James was not wearing a red T-shirt. Diane used green paint balls and wore a blue T-shirt. Simon was the only person who used paint which was the same color as his T-shirt. Can you tell which color paint they each used and the color of their respective T-shirts?

15 Starting Point Class Set-Up Diagram
14 chairs podium Table for water/OJ table Table for coffee/food Starting Point Class Set-Up Diagram

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