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The Mediterranean & Macaronesian Natura 2000 Seminar process

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Presentation on theme: "The Mediterranean & Macaronesian Natura 2000 Seminar process"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mediterranean & Macaronesian Natura 2000 Seminar process
First meeting of the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean/Macaronesian Natura 2000 Seminar Brussels, 21 February 2013

2 Natura 2000 is more than a network of protected areas !
It is also a network of people and sectors working together, experts exchanging knowledge, practitioners sharing experience and best practice.

3 The New Biogeographic Process is
aiming at FCS of selected habitats and species directly linked to targets 1 & 2 of the EU biodiversity strategy not an instrument to assess progress of MS based on voluntary cooperation between all actors strongly depending on active involvement of MS and stakeholders / NGOs. Natura 2000 Seminars

4 The process enhances the EU-added value of the Natura 2000 network;
networking and cooperation between experts and practitioners; coordination and facilitation of cross boundary and in-country projects (LIFE nature and other projects); exploration of opportunities & synergies (e.g. for cross-border cooperation); Natura 2000 Seminars 4

5 The process includes the identification of barriers and bottlenecks that hamper habitat management; The identification of best practice; the shared formulation of practical management solutions and effective recommendations; Networking; A communication platform. Natura 2000 Seminars 5

6 Working together & networking is a continuous process (with the ‘Background Document’ being a living knowledge base) Working together requires permanent (and voluntary) engagement of actors (Lead MSs, NGOs, Stakeholders, experts…) Natura 2000 Seminars and Workshops are periodic events for the formulation of practical management solutions and effective recommendations towards achieving FCS

7 The Communication Platform 'Working together in Natura 2000' seminars
An internet-based instrument for communicating and exchanging information on conservation objectives and measures and their follow-up between all actors involved in the process, also during the period between the seminars. It will also allow for informing the public on the results of the Seminars It will be established on the Europa website under

8 Working together in Natura 2000 - the three main components of the communication platform
Knowledge base (background info, etc) Networking and cooperation, incl. Contacts, events, links to member states & networks Seminar results, action & events and follow-up

9 First round of Natura 2000 Seminars planning
BioGeo region Preparatory workshop Seminar Boreal 25/26 Jan. 2012 28/29 May 2012 Atlantic 20/21 June 2012 3/5 Dec. 2012 Alpine 12/14 June 2013 November 2013 Mediterranean / Macaronesian December 2013 / January 2014 June 2014 (?) Continental / Pannonian / Steppic / Black Sea Autumn 2014 Spring 2015

10 The MED / MAC Process Tentative planning
First meeting Steering Committee: 21 Feb. 2013 Final draft pre-scoping document: Mid-March 2013 Second meeting of the Steering Committee: April / May 2013 First draft background document: September 2013 Third meeting of the Steering Committee: Sept./Oct. 2013 Preparatory Workshop: Dec / Jan. 2014 Fourth & Fifth meetings of SC: Feb./Apr. 2014 Draft Seminar Document: April 2014 MED/MAC Natura 2000 Seminar: June 2014

11 Background document (BD)
The Mediterranean / Macaronesian Process SC SC Workshop SC Seminar BD Consult BD Improve Background document (BD) Pre-Scoping Document Seminar Document Seminar Report 25.2 tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc Feb. 2013 Mar. 2013 Apr. 2013 Sept. 2013 Oct. 2013 Dec. 2013 Jan. 2014 Feb. 2014 Mar. 2014 Apr. 2014 May 2014 June 2014

12 Issues to be discussed before and at the preparatory Workshop:
1. What are the common problems/issues in management of habitats over the biogeographical region? 2. What special management measures are required to accommodate habitats and key associated species? 3. What are the potential solutions to these problems? 4. Are there concrete possibilities for cooperation/cooperative action linked to the preferred solutions that could be launched at the seminar?

13 Possible Working groups to be established (tentative) and lead countries
Mediterranean and Macaronesian Natura 2000 Seminar (LMS?) 1. Forests (LMS?) 2. Grasslands (LMS?) 3. Heath, Scrubs & sparsely vegetated land (LMS?) Mires, bogs, rivers & lakes (LMS?) Coastal & marine (LMS?)

14 More information See also Nature & Biodiversity homepage:
The public Natura 2000 CIRCABC Website: N.B. There is a public Natura 2000 CIRCABC site and in addition there is a restricted CIRCABC site for each Steering Committee: In the future the restricted sites will be regrouped into one single CIRCABC site for all Steering Committees See also Nature & Biodiversity homepage:

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