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The Prophet Muhamad.

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Presentation on theme: "The Prophet Muhamad."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Prophet Muhamad

2 Essential Question Was Muhammad the most influential person in the world?

3 Muhammad Early Life Muhammad Muhammad’s followers were called Muslims.
Born in 570 C.E. Born in Makkah Taught the faith of Islam Muhammad’s followers were called Muslims.

4 Arabia during Muhammad’s time
A handful of families ruled Makkah Would not share with poorer clans. Most Arabs were polytheist. Ka’ba is a cube shaped shrine.

5 Arabia during Muhammad’s time
Many Arabs lived in the desert. Tribes warred with other tribes. Honor bound to avenge death of a family member. Pledged loyalty to clans and larger groups called tribes.

6 Muhammad’s early life When Muhammad was born his father had already died. His mother sent him to live with a nomad in the desert. Learned Arab traditions.

7 Muhammad’s early life Returned to the city at 5 or 6.
Mother died and was then raised by his Grandfather. Then raised by his Uncle Abu Talib. At 12 accompanied his Uncle on trade journey to Syria.

8 Muhammad’s early life Gained exposure to other places.
Took part in more trade journeys. Became a trader and had a reputation for being honest.

9 Muhammad’s early life Managed caravans for a widow named Khadijah.
Muhammad earned her great profits Khadijah proposed marriage. They had several children Only Daughter Fatimah had children.

10 Brain Snack . . . . This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA

11 Quick

12 Who raised Muhammad? Where did he go to on his trade journey? Who did he marry?

13 The call to Prophethood
He often spent time in the mountains praying. In about 610 he went to a cave to pray. He received a visit from the angel Gabriel.

14 The call to Prophethood
Muhammad thought he was going mad. Khadijah consoled him and became first convert to Islam. Islam based on Monotheism.

15 The call to Prophethood
God was same God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Gabriel continued to deliver messages over the next 22 years.

16 The call to Prophethood
Messages only told to family at first. Followers increased and were called Muslims Muslims translates to “those who surrender to God”

17 The call to Prophethood
Followers wrote down messages. Qur’an the holy book of Islam.

18 Growth of Towns and Cities Think-Pair-Share
Who talked to Muhammad in the cave? What does Muslim mean? What is the book of Islam called?

19 Muhammad’s teaching meets with rejection.
Muhammad began preaching to other Makkans. Most Makkans rejected his teachings. Leaders did not want to share their wealth.

20 Muhammad’s teaching meets with rejection.
Muslims continued to grow. The Qur’an states Muhammad flew on a winged horse to Jerusalem. He met and prayed with Arbaham, Moses, and Jesus.

21 Migration to Madinah to the end of his life.

22 Highlight and underline key terms. Write your questions on the left.
Summary Highlight and underline key terms. Write your questions on the left. Summarize your notes at the bottom.

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