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Author Co-author Smt. V. M. Kochar Dr. Atul Zende

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Author Co-author Smt. V. M. Kochar Dr. Atul Zende Court Manager, Senior Court Manager, Family Court, District & Sessions Court, Aurangabad Pune

2 Introduction 'Court Management' and 'Court Manager' are new for the Indian Judicial System. It was only from last few years the professional Court Manager appointed by various High Courts across the different subordinate Courts, in their Jurisdiction. Courts also having a group of people who work together and coordinate their actions to achieve a goal in the form of delivering Justice.

3 Court Management - Definition -
“The process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, co-ordinating, reporting, budgeting and controlling the efforts of the Officers and employees of the court of law and using all other institutional resources to achieve maximum efficiency so the Justice can be rendered in the lesser time at a lower cost”

4 Brief view of existing system
Principal Judges needs to spend a lot of time in handling Court Administration - other Judges to assist Principal Judge in administration work. Drain of energy of Judges and hampers the Judicial efficiency. It would be wise to spend the valuable time of Judges on Judicial work rather then on Managerial task. CM concept is already implemented by Countries like U.S.A, Australia in last few decades and proved to be fruitful.

5 Importance of the Study
13th FC - to enhance the efficiency of court management, resultant improvement in case disposal, Rs. 300 Cr earmarked for employment of professionally qualified Court Managers to assist Judges. CMs with MBA degrees, to support system to Principal Judge to perform administrative duties, enabling judges to devote more time to judicial functions. Role is to reduce administrative work load of JOs so that JOs can utilize time on adjudication. CMs to suggest inclusion of innovative ideas which can bring quality improvement in existing system.

6 Importance of the Study
Study to aim to assess resultant benefit after appointment of CMs in Judicial System in 13th FC. Research to study in defining Roles and Responsibilities of CMs in consultation with JOs and CMs opinion. Study to explores innovative ideas for improving functioning of Judicial system with utilizing services Professional CMs.

7 Objectives of the Study
To assess area of improvement of Court Management after appointment of CMs. To understand scope of involvement of CMs in Court Administration & Management. To identify area of administrative functions where CMs’ services can be utilized to reduce workload of JOs. To know availability of resources at District Courts in MH.

8 Research Methodology Research design : Descriptive
Sampling technique : Convenient sampling Research Q’rs : Structured questionnaire Sample Unit : Districts Courts from different Zone of MH where CMs are appointed Sample Size:

9 Responses from Judicial Officers : Areas improved after appointment of CMs

10 Responses from JOs - utilization of services of CMs for Court Management

11 Responses from CMs - utilization of services of CMs for Court Management
80% CMs - Rank 1 to the Court Management 60% CMs - Rank 1 to Staff Management 53.3% CMs - Rank 1 to Case Management 43.3% CMs - Rank 1 to e-Court project & I.T management 40% CMs - Rank 1 to Court Development plan (CDP) 36.7% CMs - Rank 1 Financial Management 23.3% to Statistics Management

12 Findings Highest preferred area of Court Management to be assigned to CMs per JOs opinion is least preferred for CMs i.e. Statistics Management. Case Management is least preferred area to be assigned to CMs as per JOs opinion. CMs feel management expertise can be used for better Case Management. Hence, Case Management has highest preferred area by CMs. Infrastructure, e–Court Project & I.T management, Financial management (Budget planning, Procuring and purchasing resources), in Administration of Staff (except Registrar & JOs), Preparing and executing CDP, Recruitment & Training of Staff - concurrence in the opinion of CMs & JOs.

13 Responses from JOs - Availability Resources at District Court

14 Responses from CMs - Availability Resources at District Court

15 Findings Non availability of Sufficient Courtrooms and JOs and Trained ministerial staff, these are the major area of resources management which demands lot of attention for it's improvement. These should be the priority area for which Government concern and immediate action is required. 72% JOs denied for availability of Sufficient Budget, to Purchase & Maintain Infrastructure, 60% CMs responded availability of Sufficient Budget, to Purchase and Maintain Infrastructure. It is observed that both respondents admit about the availability of Sufficient Computers. 66.7% CMs acknowledge District Court having Problem of space to store record, 50% JOs responded Problem of space to store record. 60% CMs responded non availability Time Management Techniques to save time of Stakeholders.

16 Responses from CMs on involvement in Court Administration

17 Findings CMs feel themselves sufficiently trained and equipped to manage Court administration. Functioning of Govt. organization especially Court is different from other sector. To make CMs well equipped to manage Court Administration training is required related to functioning of Court. Only 26.6% CMs - involved in the administration of Court. Only 13.3% CMs - help to Design programme of Case Management. Only 13.4% CMs - services are utilized to its fullest.

18 CMs responses - Inclusion of innovative ideas for improvement in functioning of Judiciary

19 60% - Digitization of the Records
56.7% e-Employee Management, Online receiving certified copies of judgment, Real time data management 53.3% Information management and Automation of process 50% Facility Management 43.3% Paperless office 40% Space planning & Security Management 30% ISO certification for Court Procedures 26.7% Green Court building 13.3% - Virtual Courts

20 Suggestions and Recommendations
Opinions of JOs and CMs - there is need to define Role and Responsibilities of CMs in an effective manner. Well defined Service Rules may be framed under the guidance of National Judicial Academy and respective State Judicial Academies for improved utilization of CMs services. Joint training - Principal Judges and CMs to improve Court Management, for aspects of Court Management, effective implementation of CDP, e-Courts project etc. CMs can be nominated for training at various National and International level programs.

21 Suggestions and Recommendations
Professional CMs have been expected as key element and instrument in better case processing and administration. There is need for enhancing involvement of CMs in Court Administration and Case Management. All short term and long term goals can be channelized through CMs for effective execution. Accute shortage of Sufficient & Trained Ministerial Staff in District Courts. - Need of reforming the recruitment process of the staff. Redesigning of 'JOB DESCRIPTION' and 'JOB SPECIFICATION' will help to choose right recruitment process. The Management expertise can suggest better tool to select right person at the right place viz. Competency mapping, psychometric tests, skill matrix etc. Use of Court Management concept – quick disposal, optimum use of resources, Specialization and Professional approach and to increase in User satisfaction i.e. user friendliness of court.

22 CONCLUDING REMARKS This research is conducted and data is collected during year , meanwhile it has been learnt that Hon'ble Supreme Court of India directed to form SCMS committee and the Court Managers are playing a pivotal role in the area of Case Management. Based on the quantitative data collected and analyzed, there is no doubt that Court Managers are essential towards improving Court Management and to assist Principal District Judge in Court Administration. Now that the concept of professional Court Management has gained recognition and Supreme Court has also established a N.C.M.S committee There is need to look forward to increase efficiency in Justice delivery with the introduction of professional Court Managers.

23 Thanks a lot…!

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