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Presentation on theme: "Comets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comets

2 Oort Cloud The Oort cloud surrounds the Sun beyond the Kuiper Belt.
10,000 to 100,000 AU 1/5 the way to the nearest star Spherical shell of icy objects

3 Cometary Orbits Comets that are pulled toward the sun enter new orbits. Nudged by gravity Most pass only once – never return A few enter elliptical orbits

4 Comet Nuclei Comet Halley has a nucleus with a lot of carbon soot and grains of sand mixed with ice. Comet Borrelly shows gases coming from the surface.

5 Tails As a comet is heated near the sun the ice vaporizes.
The vapors form a coma around the nucleus. Part of the gas streams away from the sun and forms a tail. Comet tails can be millions of kilometers long.

6 Meteor Showers Many times each year meteors will arrive in a group.
Up to hundreds per hour Same direction from space This is called a meteor shower. Gary W. Cronks Comets and Meteor Showers

7 Radiant In the 1800’s astronomers realized that meteors from a single shower came from a single point among the stars. The point origin is called the radiant. Named for the constellation in which it appears to originate

8 Repeating Showers Some meteor showers recur at regular intervals.
Leonids match comet Tempel-Tuttle Astronomers recognized that this was consistent with a predictable orbit. Orbit of the Leonids

9 Meteor Storms As comets pass the sun they can leave a large amount of debris. If the earth hits this debris it can generate 1000’s of meteors per hour. This is called a meteor storm.

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