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Dr. Cagle Joshua Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Cagle Joshua Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Cagle Joshua Lee

2 How to Buy your next Computer…
The Buyer’s Guide How to Buy your next Computer…

3 Your computer is an important investment in your life that’s costing you thousands of dollars. Know what your buying and what its capabilities are. A computer is just as important as buying a house, car, college etc.

4 Ask yourself these questions?
What do I need a Computer for? How long will I need it for? Can I use a computer at school or borrow a friends? Do I prefer Windows or Macintosh?

5 What will I use my Computer for?
This is important so you know how much you will spend. New or Used? $300 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000+

6 Cd burner Floppy drive Dvd player
If you want upgrades I recommend going with a popular name brand for a good price. Name brands include Dell, Apple, Compaq, Ibm, etc. Cd burner Floppy drive Dvd player

7 Make sure to purchase a computer with hardware that will run your software. Not all software can run with a normal Pc.

8 Nobody likes thorwing away money
Not all of the most expensive computers are the best Computers tend to become outdated after a few years of use

9 The best computer on the market might not be the best in a couple weeks time

10 Web Sites to buy Computers and Software

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