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Polynomials Pre-Algebra Lesson 13-1.

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Presentation on theme: "Polynomials Pre-Algebra Lesson 13-1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polynomials Pre-Algebra Lesson 13-1

2 Monomial A number, a variable, or a product of numbers and/or variables EXAMPLE: 4 x 2y3

3 Polynomial An algebraic expression that contains one or more monomials (a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and/or variables) In a polynomial, there are no terms with variables in the denominator and no terms with variables under a radical sign. EXAMPLE: x x a + b + c 4x2 + 2x 8

4 Binomial A polynomial with two terms EXAMPLE: 4 + x a – 5b x + y3

5 Trinomial A polynomial with three terms EXAMPLE:
8v x t2 + a – 5b xm + y3

6 EXAMPLES Polynomial Monomial Binomial Trinomial Terms 1 2 3 Examples 4
a – 5b c2 + d a + b + c x2 + 2x + 1 3m2 – nm + 1

7 Determine whether each expression is a polynomial
Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. Then classify as a monomial, binomial or trinomial. 2x3 + 5x t - 1 𝑡2

8 Degrees of Polynomials
The degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponents of its variables. The degree of a nonzero constant such as 6 or 10 is 0. The constant 0 has no degree. The degree of a polynomial is the same as that of the term with the greatest degree.

9 Find the degree of each polynomial.
5a -4x2y 3y2 x2 + 3x – 2 a2 + ab2 + b4

10 practice p.703 #1-10

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