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Year 8 Parents’ Conference

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1 Year 8 Parents’ Conference

2 Previous Assessment Framework
Throughout Primary School, students were assessed using a National Framework By the End of Key Stage Two, students will have been measured against a ‘National Standard’ in English & Maths. Teachers will also have assessed the students against this standard, using LEVELS (E.g. 2b, 3a, 5c etc.)

3 BUT, the way students are being assessed has changed……
A new National Framework has replaced the old one Using the new framework, more rigorous GCSEs have been, and will continue to be, created. By the time your child reaches Year 11, all GCSEs will be the new type……new Btec qualifications & new GCSEs


5 Therefore, we have formulated a new Assessment Framework.
Its aims are …… ….to create a clear pathway towards GCSE outcomes. ….to make it easier for everyone to understand whether progress is good enough to achieve, or even exceed, these outcomes. ….to make it easier for parents to feel empowered to ask the right questions about their child’s progress




9 Other Information supporting these assessments….
….Attitude to Learning – – Outstanding 2 – Good 3 – Requires Improvement 4 – Of Serious Concern. ….Areas for Improvement Behaviour Engagement Homework



What if the pathway my child is put on is not the right one? Will my child be on the same pathway for every subject? Once my child is on a pathway, is he/she stuck on this pathway until he/she takes her GCSE?

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