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C.H.E.O.P.S Cheops:A Compact Explorer For Complex Hierarchies by:

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Presentation on theme: "C.H.E.O.P.S Cheops:A Compact Explorer For Complex Hierarchies by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 C.H.E.O.P.S Cheops:A Compact Explorer For Complex Hierarchies by:
Luc Beaudoin, Marc-Antonie, Louis C. Vroomen

2 Why C.H.E.O.P.S ? The problem of growth of hierarchies which is expressed as ( summation of n(i-1) where i varies from 1 to k ) n=number of nodes wide ( no. of children of a node ) k=number of depth levels For eg. n=10 and k=10 then the total # of nodes is 1,111,111,111 and if we present each as a square of 1.2 cm length, then it will cover a distance from Blacksburg to New Delhi (approx.) Classical tree presentations lack global context and details simultaneously.

3 Idea/Strategy behind Cheops
It maintains context within a complex hierarchy while providing easy access to details, without using the clustering techniques. It is based on a compressed visualization of a hierarchical data set.

4 Representation

5 When nodes become large in number

6 Clips

7 Navigation Selection Pre-selection

8 Demo Check out for live demostration

9 HCI Metrics Learning curve Ease of use User satisfaction Retention
Error recovery

10 Questions ?????

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