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Co Training: Collaborating for Effective and Powerful Training

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Presentation on theme: "Co Training: Collaborating for Effective and Powerful Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Co Training: Collaborating for Effective and Powerful Training
West Coast Child Welfare Trainer Conference Boise, Idaho August, 2017 Anzette Shackelford, LCSW Irene Becker, LCSW

2 Co-Training Introductions Learning Objectives and Agenda

3 Outburst

4 Models of Co-Training Duet Lead and Support Speak and Add
Complimentary Skills Parallel

5 Discussion “Chips”

6 What can you bring to a co-training relationship
What can you bring to a co-training relationship? What do you commit to when entering a co-training relationship? 1 2 4 ALL

7 move to more experiential
Co- Trainer Checklist – Sample “Adult Learning Theory” Anzette Irene  To Work On B- Knows Individual Learning Style and has discussed with co trainer  X X B- Identifies goals and objectives for course X new neuro infor  B – Designs individualized objectives for different audiences within a training group  NA NA B- Designs training activities to achieve the goals B- Selecting and organizing materials for training  move to more experiential B- Assigns or assigned specific content to train reorganize  B- Plans transitions between activities B- Plans for potential conflict between co trainers D – Trains specific content D- Responsible for running activities D – Utilizes down time for reflection and adjustment of the training day A – Reviews evaluations and develops improvement plan  ongoing A – Adjusts curriculum A – Adjusts materials for next training A- If appropriate, contacts trainees around Parking Lot A – Seeks additional consultation if conflict arises B –Before D- During A- After Training

8 Conflict in the Classroom

9 Thank You! Anzette Shackelford, LCSW Irene Becker, LCSW

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