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Human Factors Vehicle Flow

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Presentation on theme: "Human Factors Vehicle Flow"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Factors Vehicle Flow
CE-160 Transportation Engineering Week 3 Human Factors Vehicle Flow

2 Homework Chapter 3: 1, 7, 8, 11

3 Human Factors Rational design of goods and services
Basic model of people in their working environments Workspace Size effects performance what is effect on transportation?

4 Environment Where workspace is located
effects person’s performance lighting, noise, vibration, climate, pollutants Man - Machine - Environment interaction want to optimize

5 Human Variation Design is based on 90% of people
Top and bottom 5% not in design who’s not included? Adaptation & Instruction want to limit instructions How is a car laid out? Where are the important components Commonality

6 Human Factors in Transportation
What do we want? Primary Speed range carrying capacity Secondary Safety Comfort/Convenience Status

7 Human Contact Physical, Physiological, Biochemical
Size Reach Strength Body Composition Perception - Reaction P-R, Info Processing, Motor Performance Cognitive and Social


9 Pedestrians Important piece of urban design Crosswalk placement
Social distance Personal distance Intimate distance

10 Pedestrians How does personal space change ? Transit airplanes
waiting areas cars

11 How big is a pedestrian?

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