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Spanish INDirect Objects

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1 Spanish INDirect Objects
The object that indirectly receives the action of the verb is called the Indirect Object Ex. Jose buys the car for Mary. Spanish INDirect Objects

2 Luisa buys the book for him today.
INDIRECT OBJECTS Look at the following sentence: Luisa buys the book for him today. Identify the subject. Identify the verb. Find ONLY the Indirect Object. Find the Indirect Object by asking to or for who or what after the ENTIRE verb.

3 INDIRECT OBJECTS le= to or for him or her or it les=to or for them
Use the following Spanish pronouns when replacing the indirect objects. le= to or for him or her or it les=to or for them nos=to or for us te=to or for you (informal) me=to or for me Indirect Objects only depend upon number, not gender!

4 Luisa buys the book for him today.
INDIRECT OBJECTS Let’s write the sentence in Spanish replacing the indirect object with a Spanish indirect object pronoun: Luisa buys the book for him today. The Spanish indirect object pronoun needed “for him” is le because it is a singular noun.

5 INDIRECT OBJECTS So, we have so far…
Luisa buys the book for him today. (le) Where do we place Spanish Indirect Objects in a Spanish sentence? …Before the conjugated verb or ATTACHED to the infinitive! Luisa le compra el libro hoy.

6 The class gives the money to her.
INDIRECT OBJECTS You try: Find and replace ONLY the Indirect Object in Spanish. She buys the car for him. The class gives the money to her.

7 Luisa no le compra el libro hoy.
INDIRECT OBJECTS If the sentence contains a “no,” the indirect object pronoun still is placed directly BEFORE the conjugated verb. Ex. Luisa does not buy the book for him today. Luisa no le compra el libro hoy.

Replace ONLY the Indirect Object: 1. Julia sends the letters to him. 2. When does he have to talk to them(f)? 3. She is teaching Spanish to me today. 4. We do not have to buy the candy for you. 5. Why is she selling the car to us? 6. You-all are going to give the paper to Maria. 7. I need to lend the pen to the boys.

9 INDIRECT OBJECTS What happens if the terms “to” or “for” is “implied” in the sentence instead of written?

10 INDIRECT OBJECTS Sometimes the words “to” or “for” are omitted and it is simply “implied” in the sentence. We buy him the book today. Nosotros le compramos el libro hoy. When you write the sentence in Spanish, you must understand it is implied and treat it as an Indirect Object.

11 INDIRECT OBJECTS Example: Maria buys them the car now.
The implied word missing is: (for) them Since “them” is a plural noun we must use the Spanish indirect object-les. Maria les compra el coche ahora.

12 INDIRECT OBJECTS Your turn to try…. Write the following in Spanish. Replace ONLY the Indirect Object!

Write in Spanish replacing ONLY the Indirect Object. 1. We are sending her the letters (las cartas) on Sunday. 2. Do you (Ud.)buy us the car today? 3. They do not sell them(m) the pen in school. 4. I am selling (vender) her my old car tomorrow.


15 INDIRECT OBJECTS Indirect Objects with Infinitives
If an Indirect Object is in a sentence that contains an infinitive, the Indirect Object must not be placed BEFORE the conjugated verb but ATTACHED to the infinitive. Ex. Luisa is going to buy the car for Mateo. Luisa va a comprarle el coche.

16 INDIRECT OBJECTS In your notebook, try the following:
1. We need to lend the money to her. 2. Do we hope to send the gift (el regalo) to you?

17 INDIRECT OBJECTS Tear out a sheet of paper and practice the following with the class. It will be turned in for points. Class Participation depends upon it. Make sure you make any corrections!

18 INDIRECT OBJECTS 1. She needs to sell them the books.
2. Do we have lend the paper (el papel) to her now? 3. The woman has to send the letter to us today. 4. I am going to give the lesson to the class.

19 INDIRECT OBJECTS Tarea para mañana:
1. Independent Evaluation (Open notes) (Talking will result in points being deducted from your grade and/or class participation points.) 2. Come prepared to class, bring your OWN dictionary, folder, notes. 3. Organize your materials and ESTUDIA!

20 INDIRECT OBJECTS TAREA: Write the following in your notebook.
Replace the Indirect Objects ONLY and LABEL! You (Ud.) write to them at school. We send (mandar) her the disc. They are going to buy a car for us on Saturday. She needs to buy the books for them (girls). Where are you (Ud.) going to send the gift (el regalo) for him? Marta and Enrique hope to tell me the truth (la verdad).

21 Using Clarifiers with Indirect Objects

22 Juanita le vende el coche.
INDIRECT OBJECTS Read the following Spanish sentence and translate it into English: Juanita le vende el coche. Since there are many options, how do we determine which one we need to be correct?

23 INDIRECT OBJECTS Sometimes Spanish sentences with Indirect Objects are written with the pronoun included along with the Indirect Object in the same sentence. It is called a clarifier. Ex. Juanita le vende el coche a Maria. Why? To clarify who the Indirect Object is! le and les have many meanings!

24 INDIRECT OBJECTS So, the Indirect Objects le and les have multiple meanings. Because of the multiple meanings, Spanish speakers often clarify to whom the pronouns refer with the preposition Ex. Ella le describe un libro a Juan. She describes the book to him. Ex. Yo les compro un libro para a ellos. I buy them a book.

25 INDIRECT OBJECTS This only applies to Indirect Objects, not Direct Objects! You do not necessarily need clarifiers with I.O.’s me, te and nos. Try an example: Replace the Indirect Object and include the clarified Indirect Object. The funny boy lends Marco the pens. El chico divertido le presta las plumas a Marcos.

26 INDIRECT OBJECTS Su tarea para mañana:
Write the following in your notebook replacing any Indirect Objects. Include the clarified Indirect Object for those sentences in RED. When do we write to him? The funny girls have to sell Luis and David the book. Do you-all hope to buy her the magazine at school? Mateo lends the pens to Miguel now. She tells the girls the truth today. I am going to close the door for Ms. Smith now. Our sister sells the old books to Marta.

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