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A Ministry of Saylorville Baptist Church

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1 A Ministry of Saylorville Baptist Church
Handy Helpers A Ministry of Saylorville Baptist Church

2 What is it? It is a ministry in which volunteers use their God-given abilities to help those who have needs - in a systematic organized manner. Two balanced objectives..... Essential Service! Meet Needs in the name of Christ Ministry Opportunity! Use Talents for the cause of Christ

3 The Talent / Workforce Side...
Workforce... Retirees and others, who desire to use their skills to serve the Lord, volunteer their time and talents in specific areas of expertise. Both men and women. Signup is for specific kinds of tasks only Areas of extensive experience and proven expertise Painting, yard work, appliance repair, plumbing repair, babysitting, transportation, computer support, light car repair, etc Signup is for specific amounts and slots of time only Times of the week Amount of time Work is scheduled... Only in times made available by the volunteers In agreed-upon appointments Work in teams of two or more (fellowship, safety, quality)

4 You can volunteer for ANYTHING....
At which you are truly good and knowledgeable That may be in demand by others Men’s and women’s things Be creative. The sky’s the limit. Knitting/sewing/computer/cooking/decorating.... Computers/woodworking/landscaping/general fix-it..... Signup form. HH Leadership will review. Category for training – pairing you with experts

5 Managing the Workforce...
Painting X Transportation/rides Furniture repair Yard work/landscaping Babysitting (The list is endless) Etc M-W-F 6-9 PM, 3 hrs/wk Weds AM unlimited Any time, 8 hrs /wk Sat anytime, 2 per mos Areas of Expertise Volunteer Time Available Joe B Jessica C John D Julie E

6 Pilot Program The 50’s+ age group has been selected for the Pilot Program Source of Volunteers One of the user groups Reasons: Expertise Time available Dependable Often have needs Signup starting fall 2009.

7 Got it? Everyone has capabilities. Now a way to use them.
Allows “secular” to be used for “Kingdom” Chance to work towards His “Well done!” This is a Ministry! Not just free labor. Potential to win souls and help the needy.

8 The Work Request Side..... Who can request work in the Pilot Phase?
Elderly + Widows/Widowers + Single Parents Special requests that come into the church Church (plus other non-profit organizations) What kinds of work? Kinds of work we have on our list No tasks with significant liability risk will be accepted (examples: car brakes, electrical wiring, gas pipe installation) Minor repairs however on these may be done, if low risk (non-critical car repairs, minor electrical fixes, thermostats) HH Leadership will review all

9 Process List of “capabilities” will be published.
Someone with need contacts the church office, staff, or other key church personnel HH Leadership is informed and job accepted/rejected (usually after some contact with the person in need) HH Leadership selects team and puts them in contact with requestor. Together they set appointment. Team does work, confirms completion. User provides materials (for now - may change later.)

10 What Else Can We Do While There?
Sometimes nothing. Do the work and leave. or Stay and chat. Get to know them. and/or Talk to them about the Lord and their walk with Him. Pray with them. and Invite them to Saylorville, if they need a church. (Nothing extra is required, but workers who are comfortable can proceed as God leads.)

11 Future Growth Potential
Community Whole Church More Classes Pilot

12 So..... Prompted by... This desire for “Well done”
Interest in “serving” Biblical imperatives “Handy Helpers” has developed... Early proposal Endorsement by Church Leadership Several committee meetings (Pastor Abe Miller, Arlan Thorson, Chris Schrock, Roger DeWitt) Introductory meeting Pilot Program as defined herein

13 Biblical Imperative... Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress [James 1:27] For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” [Matt 25: 35, 36, 40] We (seniors especially) want to be able to say: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord will award to me on that day. [2 Tim 4:7, 8] And we desire to hear from our Lord: “Well done, good and faithful servant....” [Matt 25:21]

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