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Station 1 CO 28/88/1 ff 2-3 Despatch written by Lord Combermere, the Governor of Barbados 15 January 1819.

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Presentation on theme: "Station 1 CO 28/88/1 ff 2-3 Despatch written by Lord Combermere, the Governor of Barbados 15 January 1819."— Presentation transcript:

1 Station 1 CO 28/88/1 ff 2-3 Despatch written by Lord Combermere, the Governor of Barbados 15 January 1819

2 The previous rebellion that Combermere is referring to was the Bussa rebellion in 1816 (see Station 2)

3 Tasks Read through the two extracts from the document: Sum up the main points of the document in less than 150 words Select 3 words to describe how Lord Combermere might feel at the end of the first extract- explain your choice Select 3 words to describe how Lord Combermere might feel at the end of the second extract- explain your choice Later in the document Combermere suggests that all houses in Barbados should be searched? Why might he be anxious for this to happen given what he has already discovered? Extension Try to draw a recreation of the flag that was found in the document

4 Transcript A medical person, a few days ago, on visiting a female slave belonging to his mother, saw a flag publicly displayed in the house of the woman who was sick. This flag, having for its motto, ‘Royal Sufferers’ was supposed to refer to those who were executed during the late insurrection. Three bloody hands, three keys and three lions rampant, disposed in some thing like heraldic order were interpreted to mean Revenge, Secrecy and Courage. Your Lordship is perhaps aware that similar flags were used by the chiefs, during the late insurrection and therefore when the flag was brought to me I directed these magistrates to institute the most strict investigation into the business. The result was a firm conviction in my mind, that the flag had no connection whatever with any present plots or plans for insurrection; but that it was an old flag indiscreetly preserved by an ignorant person.

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