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The Acts of the Apostles

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1 The Acts of the Apostles
Acts 15 – Addressing Problems Sunday – January 28, 2018 Many of the slides used in this presentation are prepared by Joe Price and are used and adapted with his permission.

2 Worksheet On Acts Chapter 15
PLACES: Jerusalem: Phoenicia and Samaria: Antioch: Pamphylia: Cyprus: Syria and Cilicia: Jerusalem – False teachers went out from there to Antioch of Syria saying that one must first become a Jew in order to become a Christian. The church there met with messengers from Antioch to clear up the problem. Phoenicia and Samaria – Roman provinces along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, north and west of Israel. The messengers from Antioch traveled through here on their trip to Jerusalem, “declaring the conversion of the Gentiles” (verse 3). Antioch – Of Syria; false teachers from Jerusalem went there with their “Judaizing” doctrine. The church there discussed the issue and sent messengers to Jerusalem to clarify the matter. They rejoiced when the response from Jerusalem was read. Pamphylia – A Roman province just north of Cyprus. John Mark returned to Jerusalem from here, leaving Barnabas and Paul to continue the first preaching trip by themselves. Cyprus – An island in the eastern Mediterranean where the first preaching trip was begun. Barnabas and John Mark returned here to preach the gospel after splitting from Paul. Syria and Cilicia – Roman provinces along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. The letter from Jerusalem was addressed to the churches there. Paul and Silas commenced the second preaching trip by going through these provinces, “confirming the churches” (verse 41).


4 Questions 1. Where did some come from to Antioch and what did they teach? 2. How did this teaching affect the brethren? 3. What did they decide to do about this situation? 4. Who received Paul and Barnabas in Jerusalem? Some men came from Judaea and taught that a person must be circumcised in order to be saved (verse 1). There was much dissension and questioning (verse 2). The church at Antioch decided to send some of their men to Jerusalem to discuss the matter (verse 2). “… the church and the apostles and the elders” (verse 4).

5 Questions 5. Who rose up with a different teaching and what were they teaching? 6. Who was gathered together to consider this matter and why? (cf. verses 4, 6, 22) 7. What took place before Peter began to speak? 8. What did Peter remind them of? 9. What had God given to the Gentiles and why was this given? 5. Some men of the sect of the Pharisees opposed them and taught that circumcision and keeping of the law of Moses was necessary (verse 5). Compare this to verse 1 that only mentions circumcision. 6. The church, the apostles, and the elders. “… the whole church” (verse 22). 7. There was much questioning (verse 7). 8. The conversion of the Gentiles at Cornelius’ house in Acts 10. 9. God gave them the Holy Spirit to show that they were acceptable to Him (see Acts 10:34).

6 Questions 10. What does Peter say to indicate how God felt toward Jew and Gentile? 11. What question does Peter ask these Jews and what was the point of Peter’s question? 12. What is the yoke Peter mentions? 13. What did Peter state that the Jews believed as well as the Gentiles? 14. What effect did these words have on the multitude? 10. He said that God made no distinction between the two (verse 9). 11. “… why make ye trial of God” (verse 10). The Jews were not able to keep (“bear”) the law of Moses. 12. The law of Moses (verse 10). 13. That both shall “be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus” (verse 11). 14. They fell into silence and listened to what Barnabas and Paul had to say (verse 12).

7 Questions 15. What further information did Paul and Barnabas relate and how did this pertain to their present discussion? 16. What further information did James relate and what conclusion did he offer? a. What did James suggest they do? 17. What further decision was made in addition to the suggestion made by James? 18. Who was selected to return with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch? 15. They spoke of their work with the Gentiles and the signs and wonders that were done through their hands (verse 12). This showed the approval of God for the actions of the apostles with the Gentiles. 16. James quoted Amos 9:11-12 to show that God intended to include the Gentiles in His salvation (verses 16-18). He concluded that they should not “trouble” the Gentiles about this teaching (verse 19). a. He suggested that they church at Jerusalem write a letter to clarify the issue (verses 20-21). 17. The church also decided to send some of their own men with the letter to attest to its truth (verse 22). 18. The church sent Judas Barsabbas and Silas.

8 Questions 19. Review the message of the letter to these Gentiles. a. To whom was the letter addressed? b. Had those Judaizing teachers been sent out by the church in Jerusalem? c. What was the purpose of those who returned with Paul and Barnabas? d. What “seemeth good” to the Holy Spirit and to them? e. What were they to abstain from? Be prepared to discuss why. 19. a. The letter was addressed to the brethren in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia (verse 23). b. “… we gave no commandment” (verse 24). c. They were to attest to the letter verbally (verse 27). d. “… to lay upon you no greater burden that these necessary things …” (verse 28). e. They were to abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from fornication (verse 29).

9 Questions 20. What was the reaction of these Gentiles when the letter was read? 21. After some days what did Paul suggest to Barnabas? 22. What was Barnabas minded to do? 23. Why do you suppose that Barnabas might have been more interested in John Mark (cf. Colossians 4:10)? 24. What did Paul think about this? 20. The church in Antioch “rejoiced for the consolation” (verse 31). 21. Paul suggested that they return to the cities they previously visited to see how the brethren are doing (verse 36). 22. He wanted to take John Mark with them (verse 37). 23. John Mark was Barnabas’ cousin (Colossians 4:10). 24. Paul seems to have felt that John Mark abandoned them in Pamphylia on the first preaching trip (verse 38).


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