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Simultaneous perturbations to shuttling result in defects in the Dl gradient and in the sna domain. Simultaneous perturbations to shuttling result in defects.

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Presentation on theme: "Simultaneous perturbations to shuttling result in defects in the Dl gradient and in the sna domain. Simultaneous perturbations to shuttling result in defects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simultaneous perturbations to shuttling result in defects in the Dl gradient and in the sna domain.
Simultaneous perturbations to shuttling result in defects in the Dl gradient and in the sna domain. (A) Cross section of an nc 14 dl; dl-dGFP/+ embryo immunostained for Dl. (B) Quantification of α-Dl nuclear fluorescence of the embryo in A. The sna domain is also shown (gold). (C) The average sna domain from embryos in Fig. 4C,D, plus dl; dl-dGFP embryos (labeled 1× dGFP). (D,D′) sna mRNA expression in wild type (D) and dl; dl-dGFP/+ (D′). The embryo in D′ is the same embryo as in A and B. Arrowheads indicate width of sna domain in wild type (gray) and dl; dl-dGFP/+ (white). (E) Box plot of sna domain widths for the embryos in C. sna domains in dl; dl-dGFP embryos are statistically narrower than those in other genotypes. See also Fig. S5. Sophia N. Carrell et al. Development 2017;144: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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