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Going IPv6 only For profit and for fun

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1 Going IPv6 only For profit and for fun
Stephan Lagerholm, T-Mobile

2 T-Mobile | stick together
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Introduction Stephan Lagerholm @ipv4depletion 2007 Infoweapons 2008 August ARIN 2009 March Google IPv6 2009 April 2009 April RMv6TF conference 2009 Secure64 2010 Contact with T-mobile 2011 first DNS64 product 2014 left Secure64 for Microsoft, took a break from IPv6 7/24/2019

3 Agenda T-Mobile’s IPv6 journey Background DNS64 and 464XLAT
Some best practices and DNS learnings from our IPv6 only rollout 7/24/2019

4 T-Mobile Customer Base
At WWDC 2015 Apple announced the transition to IPv6-only network services in iOS 9. Starting June 1, 2016 all apps submitted to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking. IOS 10.3 is IPv6 only on the T-Mobile network Android have support for IPv XLAT About 10 Million IPv6 only clients on the T-Mobile network today! 7/24/2019

5 Our Progress towards IPv6
Internet2 March 2018 91% DNS-OARC September 2017 89% V6 Summit 2017 April 2017 84% NANOG 64 June 2015 54% NANOG 61 June 2014 27% Apricot 37 Feb 2014 16% Android 4.3 July 2013 7/24/2019

6 The remaining 9% TMUS Enterprise clients (Guests are dual stack)
Really old handsets Tethering Some Tablets MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) Retries over IPv4 for one or another reason 7/24/2019

7 Who is still on IPv4 (number of sessions)
7/24/2019 T-Mobile Internal Use Only

8 DNS64/NAT64 (RFC6147) 7/24/2019

9 464 XLAT (RFC 6877) 7/24/2019

10 Discovery of IPv6 Prefix (RFC 7050)
Alternative to hardcoded pref64 Sends DNS query for Extract the pref64 Happens during startup of 464XLAT 7/24/2019

11 Happy Eyeballs (RFC6555, RFC8305)
Fallback to IPv4 after a reasonable time Happy Eyeballs work well for Dual Stack and 464XLAT clients Note! Happy Eyeballs have no effect on IPv6 only devices 7/24/2019

12 Application level fallback
NSURLsession on Apple devices handles IPv4 literals Note there is no fallback if IPv6 fails, no Happy Eyeballs UnderstandingandPreparingfortheIPv6Transition/UnderstandingandPreparingfortheIPv6Transition.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP CH213-SW13 7/24/2019

13 Android Interfaces Network Info II app can be found
In Google/Apple Store Tethering IPv4 address Internet IPv6 address VoLTE IPv6 address WiFi IPv4 address 464XLAT IPv4 address 7/24/2019

14 Failure scenarios DNS Related failures Network related failures
RCODE – Does not return EMPTY NOERROR or NXDOMAIN (rare) Flag – Does not return the AA flag in the empty answer (rare) Major cloud storage app Special use – Special use AAAA record such as ::1, link-local, etc (common) SOA – Does not provide SOA for the same domain as asked for (somewhat common) Photo site Timeout – Simply does not return anything when asked for AAAA (common) Routing – AAAA returned, but unable to connect to the IP, :: (very common) RCODE – Fixed in our network but Bind still does not resolve this 7/24/2019

15 Testbed for response to failure scenarios
Expected result: IN AAAA 64:ff9b::6464:6464 example: AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA Google DNS64 rcode and timeout used to be NOERROR 7/24/2019 T-Mobile Internal Use Only

16 Results response to failure scenarios
Google DNS64 As of 3/15/2018 Secure64 CEM A Bind ubuntu0.14 Unbound 1.6.2 soa SERVFAIL OK timeout TIMEOUT TIMEOUT* flag rcode SERVFAIL* * On first try and after TTL expire 7/24/2019

17 IPv6 Only Learnings Determine what sites/apps are important
Proactively scan top sites Reach out to broken sites Don’t try to fix things with local overrides Scan social media for direct customer feedback Don’t try to change the world Keep things in perspective Enterprise rollout – 464XLAT for Windows 10 coming? NO …Creators Update adds support for 464XLAT on cellular-equipped desktops and tablet…

18 T-Mobile Confidential
Questions T-Mobile Confidential


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