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Immigration 1880’s - 1900.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration 1880’s - 1900."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration 1880’s

2 New Immigration Southeastern & Eastern Europe. Also the Far East :
Greeks Russians Hungarians Turks Poles Italians Germans Chinese Japanese Problems blending: Catholic or Jews Did not speak English Clustered in communities of the same nationality

3 Why did they come? Push factors: Pull factors:
Difficult conditions at home country Overcrowding No jobs Couldn’t own land Crop failures persecution/discrimination Government instability Pull factors: Opportunities Jobs Own land More money Better climate/land conditions

4 Emigrate or immigrate? Immigrate: “to enter” Emmigrate: “to leave”

5 Voyage to america

6 Dificulties: 1st emigrant had to travel to the seaport (hundreds of miles thru foreign countryside) Long ocean voyage: 12 days across the Atlantic, several weeks across the Pacific Could only afford cheapest tickets> steerage= small, crowded, cramped quarters on the lowest level of the ship. (seasick city) Immigrants with contagious illnesses could be refused permission to enter the U.S. One of their greatest challenges upon arrival: finding work!

7 Government processing centers:
Ellis Island, New York harbor

8 angel Island, San Francisco Bay

9 The torch symbolizes liberty The tablet is a book of law dated July 4, 1776 (liberty) The broken chain symbolizes freedom “I lift my lamp beside the golden door” -Emma Lazarus

10 A new start, wealth, opportunity
The “golden door” referred to in Emma’s poem represents A new start, wealth, opportunity

11 Immigrants in industry
Sweatshops – dangerous urban factories 12 hr. days 7 days a week Dark Crowded Repetitive Hazardous machines Low pay Poor air quality International Ladies Garment Workers

12 Assimilate: become part of the American culture

13 They settled in big cities b/c:
They were rural (country folk) and unskilled workers Lacked $ to buy farmland More comfortable with people with similar cultural backgrounds

14 Positive effects Supplied industries with workers
Enriched the U.S. with their culture Food Music Dances Festivals Language Religion Laws Customs and traditions

15 . . . Even fight for America

16 Negative effects Overcrowding in cities Lowered standard of living
Low pay Long hours Uneducated Unskilled

17 Nativists “It’s their fault we have HIGH UNEMPLOY-MENT LOW WAGES

18 Effects of Nativists More anti-immigrant feelings
Persecution and discrimination distrust Stereotyping laws

19 laws Chinese exclusion Act-prohibited Chinese workers from entering the U.S. for 10 years “gentleman’s Agreement”-limited the number of Japanese immigrants Immigration act of required that immigrants be literate

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