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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

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1 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Component overview

2 Objectives Upon completion of this unit, you will be able to:
� Identify how Tivoli Storage Manager serves as an application for data management and protection. � Identify major components of the Tivoli Storage Manager solution. � Identify the optional Tivoli data products that are part of the Tivoli Storage Manager solution.

3 Tivoli Storage Manager: An enterprise-wide solution
stores copies of data off-site. � Tivoli Storage Manager scales to protect a large number of computers that are running a variety of operating systems. � Tivoli Storage Manager provides intelligent data move and store techniques.

4 Tivoli Storage Manager components Tivoli Storage Manager
database (DB2) schedule server options file dsmserv.opt recovery log policy STORAGE POOLS: BACKUPPOOL ARCHIVEPOOL SPACEMGPOOL

5 Tivoli Storage Manager server instance
In a typical LAN configuration, the Tivoli Storage Manager server stores the backup or archive data from the backup- archive clients that it supports to the storage media. The server also has a database for managing data, including policy management objects, users and administrators, and client nodes. Tivoli Storage Manager server refers to an instance, not a physical system. You can have multiple instances of the server on the same system.

6 Scheduler Administrator-defined schedules allow for the automation of Tivoli Storage Manager server and backup-archive client operations. A comprehensive and integrated set of schedules can provide the basis for efficient data management with little need for intervention during normal operations. Scheduling Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client operations consists of schedules on the Tivoli Storage Manager server and a scheduler component that runs on the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client machine.

7 Backup-archive client
The Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client is a service that sends data to and retrieves data from a Tivoli Storage Manager server. The Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client must be installed on every machine that transfers data to server-managed storage called storage pools. This machine might be a workstation, a file, or a database server. The Tivoli Storage Manager server uses a unique node name to identify each Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client instance. The Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client supports encryption, and a password can be used to authenticate communications between the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client and server.

8 Tivoli Storage Manager database
When the Tivoli Storage Manager server is installed, a database and recovery logs are created. Tivoli Storage Manager saves information in the Tivoli Storage Manager DB2 database about each file, logical volume, or database that it backs up, archives, or migrates. The Tivoli Storage Manager database is the heart of Tivoli Storage Manager. Later in this course you will see how to protect the Tivoli Storage Manager database, which is critical for data restoration.

9 Tivoli Storage Manager recovery log
The server uses the recovery log as a scratch pad for the database, recording information about client and server actions while the actions are being performed.

10 Storage pools Storage pools are collections of similar media that provide storage for backed up, archived, and migrated files. These pools can be chained to create a storage hierarchy. Any supported sequential media can be used in all copy storage pools. Data moves from the primary disk pool to file pools or disk pools to tape pools Data moves from the primary disk pool directly to tape pools.

11 Policies enable data management based on
business requirements by defining the following information: Active Policy Set � Which files are eligible for back up � Which files are eligible for archive � Where data is stored � How long data is retained � How many versions of data are retained Inactive Policy Set

12 Backup and restore functions
The backup-archive clients send copies of files to a storage pool, and the database makes a record of the transaction. The Tivoli Storage Manager server stores copies in the storage pools. Restore: Copies of files are returned to the backup-archive client using information in the database.

13 Archive and retrieve functions
The backup-archive clients send copies of files for retention to Tivoli Storage Manager server. The Tivoli Storage Manager server stores the copies in the storage pools. Retrieve: A copy of the files are returned to the backup-archive client.

14 Tivoli Storage Manager supports a variety
Storage media Tivoli Storage Manager supports a variety of tape and optical libraries as well as storage media types for copy storage pools, including: � Tape � WORM � Optical � Disk � CD-RW � DVD-RAM � File storage pools storage devices � Virtual tape (VTL)

15 Tivoli Storage Manager: Related products
� Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail � Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases � Tivoli Storage Manager for Enterprise Resource Planning � Tivoli Storage Manager for Microsoft SharePoint � Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager � Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management � Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows � Tivoli Storage Manager for Storage Area Networks � Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup and Recovery � Cristie Bare Machine Recovery (TBMR) � Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack Check the IBM website for the current list of related products. 1-20

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