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Introduction [Documents and Parameters]

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1 Undulator Physics, Tolerances and Simulations Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS February 7, 2006
Introduction [Documents and Parameters] Components Motion Monitoring and Control Error Tolerance Budget Wakefield Budget 1

2 Physics Requirement Documents
Doc Type Number Title GRD Global Requirement Document PRD LCLS Start-Up Test Plan Conventional Alignment System Requirements General Undulator System Requirements Magnetic Measurement Facility Requirements Undulator Beam Based Alignment System Requirements Undulator Beam Finder Wire 2

3 Engineering Specification Documents
Doc Type Number Title ESD Quadrupole Magnet Specifications Diagnostics System Specifications Wire Position Monitor System Specifications Hydrostatic Leveling System Specifications Vacuum System Specifications Controls Specifications Undulator Protection System Technical Specifications for the Undulator OTR Beam Profiler (Long Break) Wire Scanner Specifications for the Undulator System Undulator Engineering Requirements LCLS Undulator Support/Mover System Engineering Specifications Undulator Tunnel Survey Monument Positions 3

4 Summary of Nominal Undulator Parameters
Undulator Type planar hybrid Magnet Material NdFeB Wiggle Plane horizontal Gap 6.8 mm Period Length 30.0±0.05 mm Effective On-Axis Field T Range of Effective Undulator Parameter K (0.6 %) [ 0] K Tuning Tolerance ± 0.015% Accumulated Segment Phase Error Tol. ± 10 degrees (at 1.5 Angstroms) Segment Length 3.40 m Number of Segments 33 Undulator Magnetic Length m Standard Break Lengths cm Nominal Total Device Length m Quadrupole Magnet Technology EMQ Nominal Quadrupole Magnet Length 7.4 cm Integrated Quadrupole Gradient 3.0 (4.0 max) T 4

5 Strategies for Controlling Component Motion
Girder motion will be caused by Ground Motion Temperature Changes CAM Rotation Girder motion will be monitored in 2 ways. Directly, through the Component Monitoring Systems Indirectly, through impact on electron beam trajectory (as detected by BPMs) Girder Positions will be frequently corrected using the CAM movers. Both monitoring venues complement each other but each will be sufficient for maintaining trajectory straightness. 5

6 Component Position Monitoring Systems (Alignment Diagnostics System – ADS)
Wire Position Monitor system (WPM) Resolution < 100 nm in X & Y direction Instrument Drift < 100 nm per day Moving Range ±1.5 mm in X & Y direction Accuracy 0.1 % of full Scale Availability Permanent, no interrupts X and Y, can be measured Roll, Jaw & Pitch can be calculated. See presentation by Franz Peters Hydrostatic Leveling System (HLS) Capacitive Sensor Precision < 1 mm Instrument Drift ~1-2 mm / month Accuracy < 0.1 % of full Scale Roll Y Ultrasound Sensor Precision < 0.1 mm Instrument Drift potentially no drift Accuracy < 0.1 % of full Scale Pitch See presentation by Franz Peters 6

7 *Worst Case - no reliance on position monitoring system
Correction Zones* Zone 1 (non-invasive correction) 120-Hz traj-feedback (LTU BPM’s) 0.1-Hz traj-feedback (und. BPM’s) Zone 2 (Dt > 1 hr, P/P0 > 90%, non-invasive) MICADO (best 5) steering within undulator Zone 3 (Dt > 24 hr, P/P0 > 75%, invasive) Weighted steering of undulator traj. (1 min.) ... or quadrupole gradient scans - fast BBA (10 min.) Possible x-ray pointing (few min.) Zone 4 (Dt > 1 wk, P/P0 > 50%, machine time) One iteration of BBA (<1 hr) Zone 5 (Dt > 6 mo, shut-down) Reset movers set to zero and manual realignment (1 wk) Full 3 iterations of BBA (~3 hrs) *Worst Case - no reliance on position monitoring system 7

8 Correction Zones * (Illustration)
BBA- Light *Worst Case - no reliance on position monitoring system 8

9 LCLS Undulator Tolerance Budget Analysis
Analysis based on time dependent SASE simulations with Genesis 1.3 Eight individual error sources considered: Beta-Function Mismatch, Launch Position Error, Module Detuning, Module Offset in x, Module Offset in y, Quadrupole Gradient Error, Transverse Quadrupole Offset, Break Length Error. The ‘observed’ parameter is the average of the FEL power at 90 m (around saturation) and 130 m (undulator exit) The Results are combined into the Error Budget 9

10 Example – Error 3: Module Detuning
Simulation and fit results of Module Detuning analysis. The larger amplitude data occur at the 130-m-point, the smaller amplitude data at the 90-m-point. 130 m Module Detuning (Gauss Fit) Location Fit rms Unit 090 m 0.042 % 130 m 0.060 Average 0.051 90 m Budget Tolerance Z. Huang Simulations 10

11 Example – Error 5: Vertical Module Offset
Simulation and fit results of Vertical Module Offset analysis. The larger amplitude data occur at the 130-m-point, the smaller amplitude data at the 90-m-point. 130 m Vertical Model Offset (Gauss Fit) Location Fit rms Unit 090 m 268 µm 130 m Average 90 m Budget Tolerance S. Reiche Simulations 11

12 Tolerance Budget Gaussian fit yields functional dependence of power reduction on error amplitude: Assuming that each error is independent on the others other, i.e. each error source causes a given fraction power reduction independent of the presence of the other sources: tolerance fitted rms fi=xi/si 12

13 Tolerance Budget (cont’)
Error Source si fi < si> fi Units @ 130 m (24.2% red.) Hor/Ver Optics Mismatch (z-1)0.5 0.71 0.452 0.32 Hor/Ver Transverse Beam Offset 30 0.176 3.7 µm Module Detuning DK/K 0.060 0.400 0.024 % Module Offset in x 1121 0.125 140 Module Offset in y 268 0.298 80 Quadrupole Gradient Error 8.8 0.029 0.25 Transverse Quadrupole Offset 4.7 0.214 1.0 Break Length Error 20.3 0.049 mm z < <b/b0<1.56 13

14 Model Detuning Sub-Budget
Parameter pi Typical Value rms dev. dpi Note KMMF 3.5 0.0003 ±0.015 % uniform aK °C-1 °C-1 Thermal Coefficient DT 0 °C 0.32 °C ±0.56 °C uniform without compensation bK mm-1 mm-1 Canting Coefficient Dx 1.5 mm 0.05 mm Horizontal Positioning < % => Sub-Budget is well within allowance of overall budget 14

15 Simulation of Temperature Error Effect On Gain
Z (meter) Power (W) ± 0.5 ºC (K/K = ±5×10-4) at undulator-end causes only 5-6% power drop if we have the taper set optimally initially. Power degradation for a linear taper error is about the same as for a random modular-K error of the same magnitude Courtesy of Zhirong Huang 15

16 Wakefield Budget Undulator Wakefield Sources:
Resistive Wall Wakefields (ac conductivity) => Main Contributor Mitigation: Aluminum Surface, Rectangular Cross Section Surface Roughness Wakefields Mitigation: Limit roughness aspect ration to larger than 300. Total contribution small compared to resistive wall wakefields Geometric Wakefields Sources: Rectangular to Round Transition BFW Replacement Chamber Mis-Alignment RF Cavity BPMs Bellows Shielding Slots Flanges Pump Slots 16

17 Short Break Section Chamber Profile
Bellows Shielding Slots 35 mm 10 mm dia 20% azimuth BFW Replacement Chamber Flange (5) Gaps .5 mm RF Cavity Length 10 mm Pump Slot Chamber Diameter 8 mm Chamber Diameter 10 mm Undulator Chamber 5x10 mm Undulator Chamber 5x10 mm 17

18 Long Break Section Chamber Profile
BFW Replacement Chamber Flange (7) Gaps 2 mm Bellows (2) Shielding Slots 35 mm 10 mm dia 20% azimuth RF Cavity Length 10 mm Chamber Diameter 8 mm Chamber Diameter 10 mm Undulator Chamber 5x10 mm Undulator Chamber 5x10 mm Pump Slot 18

19 Beam Finder Wire (BFW) Wire Replacement Wire BFW A misaligned undulator will not steer the beam. It will just radiate at the wrong wavelength. The BFW allows the misalignment to be detected. (allows beam size measurements) Beam Direction 19

20 Undulator Wakefield Parameters
Transition Model Parameters Segment to Break Chamber 5 mm x 10 mm  8 mm dia; 153 V/pC BFW Replacement Chamber 0.5 mm displacement; 10 mm dia; 69.8 V/pC Diffraction Model Parameters RF Cavity BPMs 35 mm 10 mm dia., 20 % azim. Flanges 2 mm 10 mm dia. Pump Slots 10 mm 10 mm dia., 68 % azim. Surface Roughness Parameters Segment Chambers 5 mm dia.; Aspect Ratio 300; Short Break Chambers 10 mm dia.; Aspect Ratio 100; Long Break Chambers Resistive Wall Parameters par plates 5 mm sep, Al AC; Shielded Bellows 10 mm dia. cir.; Cu AC; 20

21 Total Longitudinal Wake Field Summary
Beam Energy = GeV Undulator Length = 132 m Bunch Core (0.45 nC): <Wc> = keV/m ( %) Wc,rms = keV/m ( 0.12 %) Total Bunch (1 nC): <Wt> = keV/m (-0.27 %) Wt,rms = keV/m ( 0.22 %) r  52.0 keV/m (0.50 %) 21

22 Total Longitudinal Wake Budget Summary
core Wakefield Component <d> sd [%] Transition Model -0.062 0.039 -0.033 0.003 Diffraction Model -0.032 0.032 -0.028 Surface Roughness -0.029 0.029 0.008 0.012 Resistive Wall -0.150 0.150 -0.023 0.120 Total -0.274 0.222 -0.075 0.116 Beam Energy = GeV Undulator Length = 132 m Total Charge = 1 nC Core Charge = 0.45 nC Transverse Wakefields Negligible ! De/e < 0.1 % for 100 µm beam offset 22

23 GENESIS Simulation of Wake Contributions
Average Power vs z Start-to-End Simulation All Wakefields Included Total Charge: 1 nC Beam Energy: GeV Wavelength: 1.5 Å head tail Power Profile at 100 m 23

24 Summary Two complementary ways of mitigating the effect of component motion have been identified incorporating a Correction Zone approach. Undulator tolerance parameters have been combined in a tolerance budget. The analysis is based on GENESIS simulations. Tolerances were balanced to allow relaxation of critical tolerances: Temperature Stability is now 0.5oC (was 0.2oC) Vertical Segment Alignment is now 80 µm (was 70 µm) rms Short Term (1hr ) Quadrupole/BPM Stability 2 µm (was 1 µm in 10 hrs) Long Term (24hrs ) Quadrupole/BPM Stability 5 µm A comprehensive undulator wakefield budget keeps track of the various wakefield sources during the component design phase. GENESIS simulations confirm that the expected wakefield amplitudes are consistent with FEL performance expectations. 24

25 End of Presentation 25

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