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Devon Special Species Event

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1 Devon Special Species Event
Plants – an overview Hannah Gibbons (DWT & RSPB)

2 Devon Special Species - Plants
18 vascular plants on the ‘short list’ 287 vascular plants on the ‘long list’

3 Goldilocks aster (Aster linosyris)
Least Concern, Nationally Rare Coastal cliff & slope Berry Head (6 sites in Britain) Threats: Competition (scrub and rank grass) & trampling


5 Lundy cabbage (Coincya wrightii)
Sch 8, Vulnerable, Nationally Scarce Coastal cliff & slope Lundy (endemic) Between splash zone and cliff top (+300m inland) Threats: Grazing and competition from rhododendron

6 Strapwort (Corrigiola litoralis)
Sch 8, Critically Endangered, Nationally Rare Freshwater (lake) – muddy margins Slapton Ley (only location in UK) Threats: Lack of grazing, competition and loss of muddy shingle

7 Field eryngo (Eryngium campestre)
Sch 8, Critically Endangered, Nationally Rare Calcareous soil near sea South Devon holds most of British population Threats: Scrub encroachment and trampling

8 White rock-rose (Helianthemum apenninum)
Vulnerable, Nationally Rare Limestone grassland (coastal) Somerset & Devon (Torbay) only Threats: Scrub and changes in rabbits grazing


10 Toadflax-leaved St John’s-wort (Hypericum linariifolium)
Near Threatened, Nationally Rare S facing thin soils on acid rocks (dry woodlands) East Cornwall, Caernarvonshire and South Devon (Teign Valley, Dart Valley & Dartmouth) Threats: Competition with grasses and scrub


12 Wavy St John’s-wort (Hypericum undulatum)
Least Concern, Nationally Scarce Acid fen meadows and rush pastures Cornwall, W Wales and Devon (Culm) Threats: Agricultural improvements of wet grassland


14 Sand crocus (Romulea columnae)
Sch 8, Vulnerable, Nationally Rare Short, sandy grassland Devon (Dawlish Warren), Cornwall (one site) and Channel Islands Threats: Under grazing, trampling

15 Other species….. Plymouth pear

16 Other species….. Bastard balm

17 Other species….. Sea stock

18 Other species….. Heath lobelia

19 Other species….. Rock sea-lavender

20 Other species….. Water germander

21 Vigur’s eyebright Other species…..

22 Other species….. Devon whitebeam

23 Round-headed club-rush
Other species….. Round-headed club-rush

24 Last, but by no means least…..
Triangular club-rush

25 Colour in the Margins Plantlife & RSPB (3 yrs)
Arable plants - Increase abundance and distribution 13 primary species (10 plants & 3 ground beetles) Over 30 secondary species Monitoring and farm advice Re-introductions (allotments & farms) Farm open days & agricultural colleges Any volunteers??

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