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Quran Appreciation.

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1 Quran Appreciation


3 Lesson 5 LO: To understand verses 39-40 Starter: Paired talk. Discuss at least two – three main points that you can recall from last week’s lesson.

4 Verse 39. “And (as for) the moon, We have fixed for it the stages till its returns to be bent like an old palm branch.” 40. “Neither is it expedient for the sun that it should overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; and each swims along in (its own) orbit.

5 Allah (SWT)’s plan is always
The movement of the sun and the moon has been arranged in a way that they never crash each other, and there will not appear any confusion in the creation of the night and the day. Allah (SWT)’s plan is always _______?

6 39. “And (as for) the moon, We have fixed for it the stages till its returns to be bent like an old palm branch.” Bring a torch in OR use a student to pretend to be the sun positioned at one end of the classroom. Position another as the earth. Have images of all phases of the moon so 8 children will hold up those. Then they can work out where to place themselves using the image on slide 6. This wil help explain the stages of the moon and lunar calendar. 

7 40. “Neither is it expedient for the sun that it should overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; and each swims along in (its own) orbit. The sun spends its term in 12 months during one year while the moon passes its stages during one month. Therefore, the circular movement of the moon in its orb is twelve times quicker than the movement of the sun in its orb. The night never outstrip the day so that it brings a part of it into itself and that the present system alters, but all of them continue their path without the least change for millions of years. After explaining stages of moon perform suggested activity using oreos to show phases of moon.

8 What do the two ayaat that we learnt about tell us about Allah (SWT)’s planning in HIS creation
Everything precise and accurate, in order/ no confusion. Thus to increase faith in people if they ponder and reflect- take lessons from HQ…

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