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Guide to the 4th Quarter Book Report

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1 Guide to the 4th Quarter Book Report
Name: _______________________ Date: _________ Class: _________ Directions: For our 4th quarter book report you will read the first book in a series and create a Reading Guide Gazette. As you read your novel, think of cause and effect relationships for the front page article of the gazette. Then reflect on what might have led the characters to the novel’s beginning scenes for a prequel comic. Finally, select a key event from the novel and write a captivating summary for readers of the gazette. The final copy of your book report will be done in blue or black ink in gazette format. The completed final copy Is due Monday, May 6th. Draft Due: __4/23__ Step 1: Cause/Effect Directions: Identify a main cause and effect event from the novel. Write one paragraph identifying the main cause and supporting details. Then, write the second paragraph identifying the main effect and supporting details. Attention Grabber Thesis Elaboration Strategies—at least 3 Evidence/Quote from the novel Concluding Sentence Step 2: Prequel Comic Directions: Create a prequel comic for your novel. Think about what events took place before your novel began. What led your characters to the early events in the story? How does the conflict in your story begin? Include the characters you encountered in the first few chapters of your novel. At least 8 captions. 1 per box. 1 type of figurative language per box. Illustrations Main Characters Setting Conflict Step 3: 4 Step Summary Directions: Write a 4 Step Summary based on a main event in the novel. Complete the pre-write chart before you write the final summary for the gazette. Evidence/Quote Elaboration Strategy Draft Due: __5/1__ Draft Due: __4/25__

2 Cause and Effect Rough Draft due:________
Main Cause: Main Effect: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Prequel Comic Draft due:_________
Directions: Draft should include all captions and illustrations. Color not required until final copy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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